Date   : 05/09/2024    Duedate: 06/05/2024


DM 8    TURN 503

This Week's Top Honors


2249 BOURBON ST (674)
(8-6167) [11-3-0,112]

Chartered Recognition Leader   Unchartered Recognition Leader

BARE KNUCKLES                  TICOTIN
2249 BOURBON ST (674)          FAR TRAVELERS (675)
(8-6167) [11-3-0,112]          (8-6178) [1-0-0,21]

Popularity Leader              This Week's Favorite

DEIDRE                         BARE KNUCKLES
FIGHTING IRISH (648)           2249 BOURBON ST (674)
(8-5762) [15-12-0,60]          (8-6167) [11-3-0,112]



Team Name                  Point Gain  Chartered Team
1. FAR TRAVELERS (675)           81 
2. FIGHTING IRISH (648)          22    2249 BOURBON ST (674)
3. 2249 BOURBON ST (674)         9     Unchartered Team
4. MIDDLE WAY 11 (546)           9  
5. BAUBLES, INC. (583)           -4    FAR TRAVELERS (675)

The Top Teams

Career Win-Loss Record           W   L  K    %  Win-Loss Record Last 3 Turns    W  L K
 1/ 0*FAR TRAVELERS (675)        4   1  0 80.0   1/ 1 BAUBLES, INC. (583)       8  7 2
 2/ 1 2249 BOURBON ST (674)     11   5  0 68.8   2/ 3 FIGHTING IRISH (648)      6  4 1
 3/ 2 FIGHTING IRISH (648)      83  72  2 53.5   3/ 0*FAR TRAVELERS (675)       4  1 0
 4- 3 TEN TON TOGAS (536)      140 127 10 52.4   4- 2 TEN TON TOGAS (536)       3  0 0
 5- 5 OTHERWOOD (642)           44  56  2 44.0   5/ 4 MIDDLE WAY 11 (546)       3  7 0
 6- 6*ARCANE VOLBEAT (664)       8  12  1 40.0   6/ 6 2249 BOURBON ST (674)     2  2 0
 7/ 8 BAUBLES, INC. (583)       33  58  5 36.3   7- 7*ARCANE VOLBEAT (664)      1  0 1
 8/ 9 MIDDLE WAY 11 (546)      235 425  7 35.6   8- 8 OTHERWOOD (642)           1  0 0

    '*'   Unchartered team                       '-'  Team did not fight this turn
   (###)  Avoid teams by their Team Id          ##/## This turn's/Last turn's rank

                                      SPY REPORT

     If you were disturbed from your beauty rest only to have to watch a bunch of 
ARKERS brutes like you, you'd be grouchy, too.  ARKERS saw the first turn for FAR 
TRAVELERS, a 4-1-0, and some teams are scared, others are too arrogant to notice.  
Take note friends, take note.  Of course, we're all terribly impressed to see TICOTIN 
win a fight and gain 21 points, terribly.  Tsk, tsk, DRESDEN beat UNCUT RUBY and 
UNCUT RUBY lost 10 points.  You're breakin' my heart.  And if variety is the spice of 
life, ARKERS may be getting bland, as BARE KNUCKLES stays top dog in the city.  The 
Warty Toad, humph!  I've tasted better ale at mortuaries.  Where do they get this 
stuff?  From ARKERS' trash dumps?   
     He who fights and runs away will live to fight another day, the coward.  What's 
the big D?  OTHERWOOD was the most avoided team?  Bunch of lily livered... grumble... 
mumble... curse...  And who led the way in this mass act of cowardice?  Let's see, 
well, whatcha know?  It was BAUBLES, INC..  Ha ha ha ha!  POTTER SANDS was challenged 
more times this turn than the Duelmaster.  Now was the DM insulted or feared?  Heh, 
     Some people like volunteer work in the hospitals.  I volunteer for ARKERS' 
morgue.  More variety.  And now a passing thought on a warrior dying young (CRUSHER 
of BAUBLES, INC.):  You had your chance and now you're dead.  Oh well...  Titanium 
shields and bamboo daggers, guess what brave team is developing these kinds of 
     I was about to buy a new quill pen the other day, but some fighter took it for 
an epee.  Forgive me for writing with a dagger.  Just wait 'till next time I show up 
here, I won't be so nice!  So nyaaah!  Paste this one in your scrapbooks, you'll need 
the kindling come this winter-- Snide Clemens  

DUELMASTER                     W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 BARE KNUCKLES 6167           11   3  0 112         2249 BOURBON ST (674)     

CHAMPIONS                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 FELDSPAR 5760                16  16  0  84         FIGHTING IRISH (648)      
-ROMULUS 4616                 14  10  1  79         TEN TON TOGAS (536)       
-LUXOR 4619                   14  17  0  79         TEN TON TOGAS (536)       
 ALEMBIC 5766                 15  17  1  77         FIGHTING IRISH (648)      

CHALLENGER ADEPTS              W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 DEIDRE 5762                  15  12  0  60         FIGHTING IRISH (648)      
 DONN 5761                    13  10  1  58         FIGHTING IRISH (648)      

ADEPTS                         W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 POOKA 6155                   12   3  0  50         FIGHTING IRISH (648)      
-COURTINGDISASTUS 6132         7  12  0  45         TEN TON TOGAS (536)       
 POTTER SANDS 5448             6  20  0  38         MIDDLE WAY 11 (546)       
 CHAS 6166                     5   2  0  37         MIDDLE WAY 11 (546)       

CHALLENGER INITIATES           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 UNCUT SAPPHIRE 5095           4   2  0  32         BAUBLES, INC. (583)       
 BRASS BRAZIER 5098            4   2  1  25         BAUBLES, INC. (583)       

INITIATES                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 TICOTIN 6178                  1   0  0  21         FAR TRAVELERS (675)       
-BLACK BART 6157               2   1  1  20         ARCANE VOLBEAT (664)      
 DRESDEN 6176                  1   0  0  20         FAR TRAVELERS (675)       
 EMERALD EMY 5100              2   4  1  15         BAUBLES, INC. (583)       
 MORRIGAN 6179                 1   0  0  15         FAR TRAVELERS (675)       
 TOKYO ROSE 6180               1   0  0  15         FAR TRAVELERS (675)       
 UNCUT RUBY 6172               4   1  0  13         BAUBLES, INC. (583)       
 BERTIE 6165                   1   6  0   9         MIDDLE WAY 11 (546)       

'-' denotes a warrior who did not fight this turn.

THE DEAD                W  L K TEAM NAME            SLAIN BY              TURN Revenge?
CRUSHER 5075            5  3 0 BAUBLES, INC. 583    ALEMBIC 5766           503  
FINEOUS 6177            0  1 0 FAR TRAVELERS 675    BANDIT PRINCE          503 NONE
ABELLA 6164             1  4 1 MIDDLE WAY 11 546    EMERALD EMY 5100       501 JUST REVENGED

                                     PERSONAL ADS

                                  LAST WEEK'S FIGHTS

FINEOUS was dealt death by BANDIT PRINCE in a 2 minute Dark Arena fight.
BARE KNUCKLES devastated FELDSPAR in a action packed 1 minute one-sided Title duel.
ALEMBIC assassinated CRUSHER in a 1 minute mismatched duel.
POTTER SANDS was devastated by DEIDRE in a 1 minute one-sided fight.
POOKA demolished CAPTURED ORC in a 8 minute gruesome mismatched competition.
DONN defeated UNCUT SAPPHIRE in a 2 minute brutal struggle.
CHAS devastated EMERALD EMY in a 1 minute one-sided competition.
BRASS BRAZIER handily defeated BERTIE in a 1 minute gruesome uneven melee.
UNCUT RUBY lost to DRESDEN in a action packed 1 minute beginner's fight.
TICOTIN overpowered VIRTUOUS SCRIBE in a action packed 1 minute one-sided fight.
MORRIGAN overpowered POLITE BEGGAR in a 1 minute one-sided fight.
TOKYO ROSE demolished SHIFTYEYED VOLUNTEER in a 1 minute mismatched competition.

                                    BATTLE REPORT

             MOST POPULAR                        RECORD DURING THE LAST 10 TURNS     
|FIGHTING STYLE               FIGHTS        FIGHTING STYLE     W -   L -  K   PERCENT|
|LUNGING ATTACK                   4         TOTAL PARRY       12 -   2 -  1      86  |
|STRIKING ATTACK                  4         PARRY-LUNGE        3 -   1 -  0      75  |
|AIMED BLOW                       3         AIMED BLOW         9 -   3 -  1      75  |
|SLASHING ATTACK                  3         BASHING ATTACK    13 -   5 -  1      72  |
|PARRY-STRIKE                     1         WALL OF STEEL     10 -   6 -  0      63  |
|BASHING ATTACK                   1         SLASHING ATTACK    6 -   4 -  0      60  |
|TOTAL PARRY                      1         PARRY-STRIKE      13 -  12 -  1      52  |
|WALL OF STEEL                    1         LUNGING ATTACK    16 -  16 -  1      50  |
|PARRY-RIPOSTE                    1         STRIKING ATTACK   17 -  24 -  2      41  |
|PARRY-LUNGE                      0         PARRY-RIPOSTE      4 -  12 -  1      25  |

Turn 503 was great if you     Not so great if you used      The fighting styles of the
used the fighting styles:     the fighting styles:          top eleven warriors are:

AIMED BLOW         3 -  0     SLASHING ATTACK    1 -  2         3  PARRY-STRIKE   
PARRY-STRIKE       1 -  0     STRIKING ATTACK    1 -  3         2  LUNGING ATTACK 
BASHING ATTACK     1 -  0     PARRY-LUNGE        0 -  0         1  AIMED BLOW     
TOTAL PARRY        1 -  0     PARRY-RIPOSTE      0 -  1         1  BASHING ATTACK 
WALL OF STEEL      1 -  0                                       1  WALL OF STEEL  
LUNGING ATTACK     2 -  2                                       1  TOTAL PARRY    
                                                                1  PARRY-RIPOSTE  
                                                                1  STRIKING ATTACK

                               TOP WARRIOR OF EACH STYLE

FIGHTING STYLE   WARRIOR                     W   L  K PNTS TEAM NAME                  
AIMED BLOW       BARE KNUCKLES 6167         11   3  0  112 2249 BOURBON ST (674)
BASHING ATTACK   DEIDRE 5762                15  12  0   60 FIGHTING IRISH (648)
WALL OF STEEL    DONN 5761                  13  10  1   58 FIGHTING IRISH (648)
TOTAL PARRY      POOKA 6155                 12   3  0   50 FIGHTING IRISH (648)
STRIKING ATTACK  CHAS 6166                   5   2  0   37 MIDDLE WAY 11 (546)
Note: Warriors have a winning record and are an Adept or Above.

The overall popularity leader is DEIDRE 5762.  The most popular warrior this turn was 
BARE KNUCKLES 6167.  The ten other most popular fighters were DONN 5761, DRESDEN 
6176, UNCUT SAPPHIRE 5095, CHAS 6166, TICOTIN 6178, FINEOUS 6177, DEIDRE 5762, BRASS 
BRAZIER 5098, UNCUT RUBY 6172, and MORRIGAN 6179.

The least popular fighter this week was POOKA 6155.  The other ten least popular 
fighters were CRUSHER 5075, BERTIE 6165, EMERALD EMY 5100, POTTER SANDS 5448, ALEMBIC 
5766, FELDSPAR 5760, TOKYO ROSE 6180, MORRIGAN 6179, UNCUT RUBY 6172, and BRASS 

                  MAIL-IN TOURNEY LXXIX

ADEPTS TOURNEY                         W  L  K         TEAM NAME            
HAEDUS 6139 (2-3-0)                    8  3  0         AURIGA               
LOLA MONTEZ 6018 (4-1-0)               5  3  0  DEAD   ARCANE VOLBEAT       
ASPHYXIATE 4995 (6-3-0)                3  3  0         ASSASSIN NATION      

INITIATES TOURNEY                      W  L  K         TEAM NAME            
MARIE LAVEAU 6156 (1-0-0)              8  3  0         ARCANE VOLBEAT       

INITIATES FOOLS TOURNEY                W  L  K         TEAM NAME            
CRUSHER 5075 (4-2-0)                   0  3  0         BAUBLES, INC.        

APPRENTICES FOOL TOURNEY               W  L  K         TEAM NAME            
EMERALD EMY 5100 (2-2-1)               0  3  0         BAUBLES, INC.        
SUFFOCATE 6134 (0-0-0)                 0  3  0         ASSASSIN NATION      

                            WINTER FACE-TO-FACE IN TEMPE!

We hope you will join us at our winter FTF in Tempe, AZ, January 17-19, 2025! It will 
be held at our usual Embassy Suites Hotel in Tempe, Arizona (480-897-7444).  Room 
rates are $209.00 per night, 1-2 occupancy, which includes full cooked breakfast, 
complimentary manager's reception, free parking and free high speed internet.  There's 
a fitness center, jacuzzi, and pool.  The rooms are blocked--the group code is 929.

      The official block cutoff is mid-December so make your reservations ASAP!
             The hotel reservation site is:  http://tinyurl.com/FF72inTempe 

Please note that doubles are limited.  As always, if the block is full, please make 
your reservation the best you can (book a king, and/or book at normal rates) and let 
us know and we'll work with the sales office to get them to correct your reservation. 
You can contact the Tempe Embassy (480-897-7444) to be put on the waiting list for 
a double suite, too.

We look forward to seeing you in January! -- RSI

                         SUMMER FACE-TO-FACE IN MINNEAPOLIS!

Our summer Face-to-Face is in the midwest again this year, and we're going back to the 
Twin Cities! We hope you will join us at our summer FTF in Bloomington, MN on July 12-
14, 2024! It will be held at the Embassy Suites Minneapolis Airport (800-317-8143). 
Room rates are $164/$174 for king and 2 doubles suites respectively, and all have free 
high speed internet and all the Embassy goodness (free made-to-order breakfast, 
complimentary manager's reception, airport shuttle, indoor pool, business center and 
on-site restaurant.  The rooms are blocked and the code is "915." 

         The official block cutoff is June 21 so make your reservations ASAP!
         The hotel reservation site is:  https://tinyurl.com/FF71inMinneapolis

Please note that doubles are limited.  As always, if the block is full, please make 
your reservation the best you can (book a king, and/or book at normal rates) and let 
us know and we'll work with the sales office to get them to correct your reservation. 

We look forward to seeing you in July! -- RSI