Date   : 05/07/2024    Duedate: 05/20/2024


DM 20    TURN 232

This Week's Top Honors


(20-1370) [13-12-0,119]

Chartered Recognition Leader   Unchartered Recognition Leader

EMMA STONE                     PAPA LENNY
LOCAL GIRLS (88)               BAD PICKLES (92)
(20-1370) [13-12-0,119]        (20-1513) [3-0-0,40]

Popularity Leader              This Week's Favorite

LOCAL GIRLS (88)               NO TOURNAMENT BLUES (89)
(20-1370) [13-12-0,119]        (20-1501) [3-5-0,14]



Team Name                  Point Gain  Chartered Team
1. LOCAL GIRLS (88)              49 
2. DARQUE KNIGHTS (22)           37    UNLIKELY HEROES (4)
3. PANDEMIC BOREDOM (78)         29    Unchartered Team
4. THIRSTY THUGS (31)            15 
5. HUCKLE'S CATS (23)            10    BAD PICKLES (92)

The Top Teams

Career Win-Loss Record           W   L  K    %  Win-Loss Record Last 3 Turns    W  L K
 1/ 1*BAD PICKLES (92)           9   6  0 60.0   1/ 1 THIRSTY THUGS (31)       10  5 1
 2/ 3 UNLIKELY HEROES (4)      193 149  5 56.4   2/ 4 LOCAL GIRLS (88)         10  5 0
 3/ 4 LOCAL GIRLS (88)         119  94  5 55.9   3/ 3*BAD PICKLES (92)          9  6 0
 4/ 5 NO TOURNAMENT BLUES (89) 105 100  8 51.2   4/ 8 PANDEMIC BOREDOM (78)     8  7 1
 5/ 6 DARQUE KNIGHTS (22)      574 555 31 50.8   5/ 2 DARQUE KNIGHTS (22)       7  8 0
 6/ 7 THIRSTY THUGS (31)       535 552 17 49.2   6/ 7 HUCKLE'S CATS (23)        7  8 0
 7/ 8 HUCKLE'S CATS (23)       514 559 26 47.9   7/ 5 NO TOURNAMENT BLUES (89)  6  9 0
 8/ 9 PANDEMIC BOREDOM (78)    108 132  6 45.0   8/ 6 UNLIKELY HEROES (4)       4 11 0

    '*'   Unchartered team                       '-'  Team did not fight this turn
   (###)  Avoid teams by their Team Id          ##/## This turn's/Last turn's rank

                                 DUELMASTER'S COLUMN
                             Notes from the arena champ.


Pardon my pen *gibberish*.  Cat fluff!

I think it's cleaner now.  As it's well known, I'm Scottsdale Blue Blood thru and 
thru.  So I do.

                                          -- Emma

                                      SPY REPORT

Here we go again, my darlings! It is arena day in Seam, and I am so happy to see all 
of you.  From the brave gladiators to the scheming managers, it is always great to 
have ACTION in the arena. I can surmise the fans enjoyed themselves from the revelry 
that took place in the stands.  Let's take a look and see all that happened in our 
lovely arena today, and what we can look forward to in a few weeks.

Emma Stone remains our Duelmistress.  She challenged Mississippi Sheiks from No 
Tournament Blues, and was successful after a 2-minute bout.  Emma has yet to receive 
an invite to the Isle of the Eye. Looking at the requirements, she may need one more 
win on her card before the Commission reaches out to her.  She has another opportunity 
coming up in 2 weeks to defend the Seam throne and possibly receive her invitation to 
immortality.  Congrats to Emma on this turn's successful defense!

The most avoided team today is Local Girls, and it appears Darque Knights was not 
interested in any matches with the ladies. This may have been a good strategy on 
Darque Knight's part since Local Girls looked very active with challenges, issuing 
three of them successfully.  Ironclad Knight is the most challenged warrior for the 
turn. I wonder if the bull's eye painted on his armor had any part in this 
distinction?  Threads of Pandemic Boredom challenged up 19 recognition points to fight 
Ironclad.  He was able to topple Ironclad Knight in 2 minutes.

There were three deaths in the arena.  We only witnessed one death in the Dark Arena, 
and two deaths on the sands during the prime matches. The Imp from Bad Pickles fought 
his last bout.  Like Sunday, in an act of self-defense after being challenged, 
executed The Imp, ending his career at 1-2.  The other death involved a much more 
experienced warrior in Farmer Fox.  The venerable Farmer Fox leaves Seam with a 13-20 
record.  Hoeb, another veteran warrior, killed poor Farmer Fox. We await to see if 
anyone will bother to blood feud these losses!

My sweets, I hope you have a wonderful afternoon. It has been a long day in the arena.  
It was an enjoyable day, but it was a long day, and now I need to rest.  Come back to 
see me in a few weeks. We can wait together for news of the Duelmaster. I haven't done 
all the math, but I'm convinced that Emma Stone will be gone if she wins next turn. I 
can't say the same for other warriors, but I have a strong feeling about Emma. Okay, 
time for me to go!

                                          -- Sidara Brightbell

DUELMASTER                     W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 EMMA STONE 1370              13  12  0 119         LOCAL GIRLS (88)          

CHALLENGER CHAMPIONS           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 ENFEEBLEMENT RAY 1428        15   7  0 114         THIRSTY THUGS (31)        
 HOEB 1184                    22  28  2 107         THIRSTY THUGS (31)        
 FERAL DIVA 1393              15  11  0 102         UNLIKELY HEROES (4)       
 MOZELLE ALDERSON 1406        15  10  0  91         NO TOURNAMENT BLUES (89)  

CHAMPIONS                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 GRANDMA CAT 1451             10   9  1  87         HUCKLE'S CATS (23)        
 MISSISSIPPI SHEIKS 1378      12  15  0  85         NO TOURNAMENT BLUES (89)  
 SALLY CAT 1415               12  12  2  84         HUCKLE'S CATS (23)        
 BULLY BOBCAT 1467            11   4  1  77         HUCKLE'S CATS (23)        
 FAZ EBONSTEEL 1487            7   5  1  76         DARQUE KNIGHTS (22)       

CHAMPIONS                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 DEMOLITION DOG 1390          20   7  0  67         UNLIKELY HEROES (4)       

CHALLENGER ADEPTS              W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 LOLA DOOMFIST 1494            7   3  0  62         DARQUE KNIGHTS (22)       

ADEPTS                         W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 ORA ALEXANDER 1410           10  14  1  56         NO TOURNAMENT BLUES (89)  
 COHERENCE 1445               10  11  1  56         THIRSTY THUGS (31)        
 STEVIE NICKS 1483             7   3  0  56         LOCAL GIRLS (88)          
 HILDA HIPPO 1446             13   8  0  54         HUCKLE'S CATS (23)        
 THREADS 1442                  8  12  0  52         PANDEMIC BOREDOM (78)     
 CHAIN GANGSTER 1392          12  14  0  50         UNLIKELY HEROES (4)       
 IRONCLAD KNIGHT 1423         12  11  1  48         UNLIKELY HEROES (4)       
 MARY JO WEST 1492             4   4  0  40         LOCAL GIRLS (88)          
 PAPA LENNY 1513               3   0  0  40         BAD PICKLES (92)          
 GRUMPY CAT 1457               7   6  0  36         LOCAL GIRLS (88)          
 HELLER 1485                   5   8  0  36         THIRSTY THUGS (31)        

CHALLENGER INITIATES           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 PROTOTYPO 1490                8   4  1  29         UNLIKELY HEROES (4)       
 EXYL ROTT 1515                3   1  0  27         DARQUE KNIGHTS (22)       
 LIZ MONTGOMERY 1505           2   3  0  26         LOCAL GIRLS (88)          
 HODJA 1517                    2   1  0  25         THIRSTY THUGS (31)        

INITIATES                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 DOOMSROLLING 1473             4   9  0  21         PANDEMIC BOREDOM (78)     
 LIKE SUNDAY 1503              3   3  1  19         PANDEMIC BOREDOM (78)     
 SWIPE LEFT 1520               2   0  0  19         PANDEMIC BOREDOM (78)     
 OH MORRISSEY 1504             3   3  0  16         PANDEMIC BOREDOM (78)     
 EDITH NORTH JOHNSON 1500      3   5  1  15         NO TOURNAMENT BLUES (89)  
 SHAKEY JAKE HARRIS 1501       3   5  0  14         NO TOURNAMENT BLUES (89)  
 BAMIEN 1511                   2   1  0  10         BAD PICKLES (92)          
 RICHIE H. 1510                2   1  0   7         BAD PICKLES (92)          
 LEXXEE LIONEYE 1516           1   3  0   6         DARQUE KNIGHTS (22)       
 CHADLY CAT 1514               1   2  0   5         BAD PICKLES (92)          

'-' denotes a warrior who did not fight this turn.

THE DEAD                W  L K TEAM NAME            SLAIN BY              TURN Revenge?
THE IMP 1512            1  2 0 BAD PICKLES 92       LIKE SUNDAY 1503       232  
DEAD 1522               0  1 0 DARQUE KNIGHTS 22    SHEWISH BOUNCER        232 NONE
FARMER FOX 1341        13 20 0 HUCKLE'S CATS 23     HOEB 1184              232  

                                     PERSONAL ADS

Gentle readers, I'm sure you remember the personal ads of this arena for the 204th 
turn, almost exactly 1 year ago today.  I was discussing the acting skills of 
Christian Slater and how he was going to appear in a movie called (strangely enough) 
"Pussy Island".  Well, the movie is coming out in August but will actually be called 
"Blink Twice", a boring but safer title.  The trailer just came out today, check it 
out.  Also, I had written that I did NOT have strep but now, strangely enough, I do 
have it.  In fact, everyone in my family has it!  Both of these items make me feel 
like I should go back and reread all of my personal ads! -- Pappy, a combo of Lady 
Whistledown and Nostradamus 

Pappy -- I only looked at the Challenge Report.  I could have avoided the error from 
Turn 230's spy report if I had simply glanced at the "Last Week's Fights." The golems 
are sometimes fickle, but I will try to be more thorough in the future. -- Sidara 

All -- For those interested in such things, I finally got Dakia out of the arena! It 
was a long road, but maybe it will be worth the wait a few years down the road.  How 
many years? I wish I knew!  Dakia Wildrose (AB) -- 10-9-8-7-17-12-21 N/G.  The 
Commission says she likes LO/LO, Fist, the Riposte tactic, and learns Decise.  I've 
moved her to 101 for further training.  The way she is learning, it will be a while 
longer before she makes a tourney debut. -- Darque

                                  LAST WEEK'S FIGHTS

DEAD was butchered by SHEWISH BOUNCER in a 1 minute bloody Dark Arena fight.
EMMA STONE vanquished MISSISSIPPI SHEIKS in a 2 minute uneven Challenge Title battle.
MARY JO WEST was outlasted by DEMOLITION DOG in a unpopular 12 minute Challenge duel.
STEVIE NICKS devastated HELLER in a 1 minute one-sided Challenge fight.
THREADS subdued IRONCLAD KNIGHT in a crowd pleasing 2 minute Challenge competition.
PAPA LENNY overpowered OH MORRISSEY in a 1 minute bloody one-sided Challenge struggle.
DOOMSROLLING slimly lost to GRUMPY CAT in a 4 minute Challenge fight.
THE IMP was easily killed by LIKE SUNDAY in a 1 minute uneven Challenge melee.
CHADLY CAT was vanquished by EXYL ROTT in a 1 minute one-sided Challenge duel.
RICHIE H. was vanquished by LIZ MONTGOMERY in a 1 minute one-sided Challenge duel.
HOEB assassinated FARMER FOX in a popular 1 minute uneven match.
ENFEEBLEMENT RAY defeated SALLY CAT in a 2 minute veteran's match.
ORA ALEXANDER was devastated by FAZ EBONSTEEL in a 1 minute mismatched conflict.
MOZELLE ALDERSON demolished COHERENCE in a 1 minute mismatched match.
FERAL DIVA overpowered BULLY BOBCAT in a 1 minute mismatched conflict.
GRANDMA CAT overpowered VIRGINAL CONCUBINE in a 1 minute one-sided duel.
LOLA DOOMFIST devastated PROTOTYPO in a 2 minute brutal uneven duel.
HILDA HIPPO outwaited CHAIN GANGSTER in a 7 minute gory master's brawl.
SHAKEY JAKE HARRIS was outlasted by SWIPE LEFT in a exciting 7 minute match.
EDITH NORTH JOHNSON was savagely defeated by HODJA in a 3 minute gory match.
BAMIEN unbelievably bested LEXXEE LIONEYE in a popular 1 minute amateur's competition.

                                    BATTLE REPORT

             MOST POPULAR                        RECORD DURING THE LAST 10 TURNS     
|FIGHTING STYLE               FIGHTS        FIGHTING STYLE     W -   L -  K   PERCENT|
|SLASHING ATTACK                  8         TOTAL PARRY       41 -  16 -  1      72  |
|BASHING ATTACK                   6         LUNGING ATTACK    22 -  16 -  3      58  |
|TOTAL PARRY                      4         PARRY-RIPOSTE     13 -  10 -  0      57  |
|STRIKING ATTACK                  4         WALL OF STEEL     18 -  16 -  1      53  |
|PARRY-LUNGE                      4         PARRY-LUNGE       20 -  21 -  0      49  |
|PARRY-STRIKE                     4         PARRY-STRIKE      18 -  20 -  0      47  |
|LUNGING ATTACK                   3         AIMED BLOW        26 -  30 -  1      46  |
|WALL OF STEEL                    3         SLASHING ATTACK   37 -  46 -  1      45  |
|AIMED BLOW                       2         STRIKING ATTACK   14 -  19 -  0      42  |
|PARRY-RIPOSTE                    2         BASHING ATTACK    19 -  26 -  2      42  |

Turn 232 was great if you     Not so great if you used      The fighting styles of the
used the fighting styles:     the fighting styles:          top eleven warriors are:

TOTAL PARRY        3 -  1     WALL OF STEEL      1 -  2         4  SLASHING ATTACK
LUNGING ATTACK     2 -  1     PARRY-LUNGE        1 -  3         2  STRIKING ATTACK
BASHING ATTACK     4 -  2     PARRY-STRIKE       1 -  3         2  PARRY-STRIKE   
AIMED BLOW         1 -  1                                       1  PARRY-RIPOSTE  
PARRY-RIPOSTE      1 -  1                                       1  BASHING ATTACK 
SLASHING ATTACK    4 -  4                                       1  TOTAL PARRY    
STRIKING ATTACK    2 -  2     

                               TOP WARRIOR OF EACH STYLE

FIGHTING STYLE   WARRIOR                     W   L  K PNTS TEAM NAME                  
STRIKING ATTACK  EMMA STONE 1370            13  12  0  119 LOCAL GIRLS (88)
SLASHING ATTACK  FERAL DIVA 1393            15  11  0  102 UNLIKELY HEROES (4)
PARRY-STRIKE     FAZ EBONSTEEL 1487          7   5  1   76 DARQUE KNIGHTS (22)

FIGHTING STYLE   WARRIOR                     W   L  K PNTS TEAM NAME                  
TOTAL PARRY      DEMOLITION DOG 1390        20   7  0   67 UNLIKELY HEROES (4)
AIMED BLOW       LOLA DOOMFIST 1494          7   3  0   62 DARQUE KNIGHTS (22)
WALL OF STEEL    IRONCLAD KNIGHT 1423       12  11  1   48 UNLIKELY HEROES (4)
LUNGING ATTACK   PAPA LENNY 1513             3   0  0   40 BAD PICKLES (92)
PARRY-LUNGE      GRUMPY CAT 1457             7   6  0   36 LOCAL GIRLS (88)
Note: Warriors have a winning record and are an Adept or Above.

The overall popularity leader is EMMA STONE 1370.  The most popular warrior this turn 
was SHAKEY JAKE HARRIS 1501.  The ten other most popular fighters were EMMA STONE 
1473, PAPA LENNY 1513, HOEB 1184, ENFEEBLEMENT RAY 1428, and FERAL DIVA 1393.

The least popular fighter this week was DEMOLITION DOG 1390.  The other ten least 
popular fighters were MARY JO WEST 1492, HILDA HIPPO 1446, SWIPE LEFT 1520, BULLY 
IMP 1512, and OH MORRISSEY 1504.

                  MAIL-IN TOURNEY LXXIX

PRIMUS TOURNEY                         W  L  K         TEAM NAME            
GYPSY MOTH 704 (168-85-6)              0  5  0         MERCENARY MOTHS      

FRESHMEN FOOLS TOURNEY                 W  L  K         TEAM NAME            
VOX SUNFIRE 773 (42-57-2)              3  3  0         DARQUE KNIGHTS       
DO IT TOMORROW 1133 (28-17-2)          0  3  0         PANDEMIC BOREDOM     
GEOPLASTIQUE 70 (50-67-1)              0  3  0         7TH SANCTUM          
WHAT'S STREAMING 1137 (23-22-1)        0  3  0         PANDEMIC BOREDOM     

                            WINTER FACE-TO-FACE IN TEMPE!

We hope you will join us at our winter FTF in Tempe, AZ, January 17-19, 2025! It will 
be held at our usual Embassy Suites Hotel in Tempe, Arizona (480-897-7444).  Room 
rates are $209.00 per night, 1-2 occupancy, which includes full cooked breakfast, 
complimentary manager's reception, free parking and free high speed internet.  There's 
a fitness center, jacuzzi, and pool.  The rooms are blocked--the group code is 929.

      The official block cutoff is mid-December so make your reservations ASAP!
             The hotel reservation site is:  http://tinyurl.com/FF72inTempe 

Please note that doubles are limited.  As always, if the block is full, please make 
your reservation the best you can (book a king, and/or book at normal rates) and let 
us know and we'll work with the sales office to get them to correct your reservation. 
You can contact the Tempe Embassy (480-897-7444) to be put on the waiting list for 
a double suite, too.

We look forward to seeing you in January! -- RSI

                         SUMMER FACE-TO-FACE IN MINNEAPOLIS!

Our summer Face-to-Face is in the midwest again this year, and we're going back to the 
Twin Cities! We hope you will join us at our summer FTF in Bloomington, MN on July 12-
14, 2024! It will be held at the Embassy Suites Minneapolis Airport (800-317-8143). 
Room rates are $164/$174 for king and 2 doubles suites respectively, and all have free 
high speed internet and all the Embassy goodness (free made-to-order breakfast, 
complimentary manager's reception, airport shuttle, indoor pool, business center and 
on-site restaurant.  The rooms are blocked and the code is "915." 

         The official block cutoff is June 21 so make your reservations ASAP!
         The hotel reservation site is:  https://tinyurl.com/FF71inMinneapolis

Please note that doubles are limited.  As always, if the block is full, please make 
your reservation the best you can (book a king, and/or book at normal rates) and let 
us know and we'll work with the sales office to get them to correct your reservation. 

We look forward to seeing you in July! -- RSI

                                SUMMER BLOODGAMES 2024

Back by popular demand, we will be hosting a new slow Bloodgames mailed arena 
beginning in August. We also plan our usual Bloodgames arenas at the summer Face-

For those of you who always wanted the chance to manage the last warrior standing 
alive upon the arena sands, your day has come.  The Bloodgames are coming! 

At the end of the ten turns, even though several warriors, bruised and scarred, MAY 
yet live, only one will be crowned Champion of the Bloodgames.  And in this game mere 
survival counts for little.  A great general once said, "The object of battle is not 
to die for your cause, but to make your enemy die for his."  This general would have 
greatly enjoyed the Duelmasters Bloodgames.  Here are the particulars: 

  Face-to-Face style          Turn 1 is due Fri July 12 at 9pm at the hotel
  Bloodgames (DM 98):         Turns process with the tournament 
	                      Strategy changes allowed, bloodfeud challenges only 

  Mail-in style               Turn 1 is due Sat July 13 at 9pm at the hotel
  Bloodgames (DM 99):         All turns process overnight, mail-in style.
	                      No strategy changes; all ten rounds process one
                              after the other and results will be out Sun morning.
  Slow Bloodgames (DM 95):    Turn 1 is due Thurs August 1 
                              Turns process every 28 days
	                      Strategy changes allowed, bloodfeud challenges only 
Gameplay proceeds according to standard DM rules, except for a few notable exceptions: 

BLOODGAMES ROLLUP --  Your Bloodgames team is ten warriors, one of each fighting 
style, each warrior designed from scratch!  (All are DYOs (design your owns) with 84 
points, 3-21, as usual.) To submit your rollup, just write/type them up and send them 
in.  We'll mail or email your overviews and you can write up your strategies. Your 
warriors must be created and have strategies entered by the first due date. 

DEATH -- As the name implies, the Bloodgames will leave the arena sands somewhat 
darker before they're over.  It's a dangerous sport intended only for the tough and 
spirited.  The Arenamaster will be less likely to intercede on behalf of a dying 
warrior.  Even at a 1 kill desire, kill attempts will occur.

REPLACEMENTS AND ROLLUPS -- There will be no replacement characters.  

CHALLENGES AND STRATEGIES -- In the turn-based bloodgames, there are no regular 
challenges, only bloodfeuds.  There will be no DA challenges in any of the bloodgames 

TURN PROCESSING AND DUE DATES -- DM 95 is due August 1 and will process on a 28-day 
schedule.  The other two bloodgames arenas will be processed at the summer Face-to-
Face. (Note: there will also be bloodgames at the next winter FTF.)

MISSED TURNS -- All warriors fight each round.  Only the dead may rest.

ERRORS -- If we make an input error, that warrior will be awarded a win and kill.  
Errors must be reported before the next turn processes.  

NEWSLETTER -- Warriors are ranked according to their number of kills.  Champions of 
Bloodgames may write a column for the newsletter at the end of the games. 

FEES -- A Bloodgames rollup costs a $10 set-up fee.  Managers may roll up more than 
one team but may run only one team in each arena.  The fee for all ten rounds is $49. 

AWARDS -- The Bloodgames last ten rounds.  Only warriors who survive to the end of 
Turn 10 will be eligible for an award.  However, a consolation award of a Bloodgames 
T-shirt will be awarded to the dead warrior with the most kills.

The living warrior with the greatest number of kills will be the Bloodgames Champion.  
Bloodgames Victor titles, 2nd and 3rd place will be awarded to those living warriors 
with the greatest number of kills at the end of Turn 10, with one other important 
consideration:  Each of these three warriors must be of a different fighting style.  
Win/loss records and, if necessary, recognition points will only be used to determine 
awards if there is a tie.  

The Bloodgames Champion fights for free in Advanced Duelmasters, and all Champions and 
Victors earn Tournament Victor status, which allows them to challenge once per turn 
with increased priority.  These awards last for six months.  The manager of the 
Bloodgames Champion and Victors will receive Bloodgames T-shirts.

A Bloodgames T-shirt will be awarded to the manager of the team with the most kills.T-
shirts will only happen if someone gives us a nice design. One shirt per person.

AFTERMATH -- Warriors from the Bloodgames may not transfer to any other arena.  Once 
the games are over, the arena and teams will be disbanded.  The fighters have won 
their freedom and will never more be seen in the gladiatorial games.  A special bonus 
will, however, be awarded to the 1st through 3rd place warriors.  Lady Sheila 
Greywand, of the Isle of the Eye, has consented to allow the top three gladiators in 
each Bloodgames admission to the Advanced Duelmasters games.  Any special training 
required to qualify those three warriors for Advanced Duelmasters combat will be 
conducted before transfer into ADM.  Astute managers will note that this means that 
three warriors that are designed from scratch will survive the Bloodgames, win one of 
the top three places, and go on to immortal glory!  One of those warriors could be 

         The challenge is yours to take.  The final plans are yours to make.  
          When the dust settles, remember:  To the victor goes the spoils!