Date   : 05/09/2024    Duedate: 05/22/2024


DM 56    TURN 868

This Week's Top Honors


(56-2399) [10-2-1,109]

Chartered Recognition Leader   Unchartered Recognition Leader

STAR GUARDIANS (190)           JUNGLE CRUISE (513)
(56-2399) [10-2-1,109]         (56-5137) [3-2-1,14]

Popularity Leader              This Week's Favorite

STEADY SARAH                   SAGAN
MIDDLE WAY 20 (435)            STAR GUARDIANS (190)
(56-5088) [15-15-0,80]         (56-3542) [7-4-0,66]



Team Name                  Point Gain  Chartered Team
1. STAR GUARDIANS (190)          33 
2. BARDIC FLAPPERY (510)         21    STAR GUARDIANS (190)
3. MIDDLE WAY 20 (435)           6     Unchartered Team
4. MS11 05 (504)                 -1 
5. JUNGLE CRUISE (513)           -6    JUNGLE CRUISE (513)

The Top Teams

Career Win-Loss Record           W   L  K    %  Win-Loss Record Last 3 Turns    W  L K
 1/ 2 STAR GUARDIANS (190)      79  53  7 59.8   1/ 1 STAR GUARDIANS (190)     14  1 1
 2/ 3 MS11 05 (504)             34  25  3 57.6   2/ 0 BARDIC FLAPPERY (510)     3  2 0
 3/ 1*JUNGLE CRUISE (513)        8   7  2 53.3   3/ 3*JUNGLE CRUISE (513)       1  3 0
 4/ 0 BARDIC FLAPPERY (510)     21  21  2 50.0   4/ 4 MIDDLE WAY 20 (435)       1  5 0
 5/ 6 MIDDLE WAY 20 (435)      732 840 23 46.6   5/ 5 MS11 05 (504)             0  2 0

    '*'   Unchartered team                       '-'  Team did not fight this turn
   (###)  Avoid teams by their Team Id          ##/## This turn's/Last turn's rank

                                      SPY REPORT

     The sages err'd not in their foretelling of a god descending upon ROCANIS, for 
I, Novgorodny Vir, have returned!  Practice pays for RAOUL, who pummelled MOULDY 
ROGUE, to pocket 12 points.  Win some, lose some.  Speaking of which, DIZZY MALT-WORM 
was winsome, after beating SILVERBACK and seeing him lose 10 points.  GOODBYE found 
out that ROCANIS isn't a democracy.  You've gotta be the best to be Duelmaster here!  
So who's the team that's been walking into taverns last week and ordering milk?  
Sounds like a PR stunt to me.   
     And how sociable are ROCANIS' warriors?  Come, let us see.   
     The moving sword slashes, and having slashed, moves on...  Hey JUNGLE CRUISE!  
Is there some deep dark, unmentionable secret as to why ALBERTA FALLS has been sent 
to the Dark Arena?   2-0-1 isn't so shabby!  Oh hard!  that to strike a flame, the 
match itself must needs be wasting!   
     Leave me now, you base fools!  As if buffeted by forces of nature beyond my 
control, I must take my leave of this place.  Like a mixed metaphor, and an overtaxed 
simile, I now bid ROCANIS farewell-- Novgorodny Vir  

DUELMASTER                     W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 DION STARFIRE 2399           10   2  1 109         STAR GUARDIANS (190)      

CHALLENGER CHAMPIONS           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 AGIS 1499                    14  11  1  93         STAR GUARDIANS (190)      

CHAMPIONS                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 GOODBYE 5044                 15  13  2  90         MS11 05 (504)             
 RAOUL 3749                    9   3  0  81         STAR GUARDIANS (190)      
 STEADY SARAH 5088            15  15  0  80         MIDDLE WAY 20 (435)       
 BLOODSWORD II 3775            6   0  1  67         STAR GUARDIANS (190)      

CHALLENGER ADEPTS              W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 SAGAN 3542                    7   4  0  66         STAR GUARDIANS (190)      

ADEPTS                         W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 MANNINGTREE OX 5122           6   2  1  55         BARDIC FLAPPERY (510)     
 MOULDY ROGUE 5124             6   2  0  54         BARDIC FLAPPERY (510)     
 TALL THOMAS 5089              8  22  0  46         MIDDLE WAY 20 (435)       
 FLAP-DRAGON 5104              3   7  0  40         BARDIC FLAPPERY (510)     
 DIZZY MALT-WORM 5107          3   2  0  37         BARDIC FLAPPERY (510)     

INITIATES                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 PUZZLEWIT 5123                3   5  1  22         BARDIC FLAPPERY (510)     
 SILVERBACK 5137               3   2  1  14         JUNGLE CRUISE (513)       

'-' denotes a warrior who did not fight this turn.

THE DEAD                W  L K TEAM NAME            SLAIN BY              TURN Revenge?
ALBERTA FALLS 5136      2  1 1 JUNGLE CRUISE 513    LADRO KHAN             868 NONE
TRADER SAM 5135         2  2 0 JUNGLE CRUISE 513    BLOODSWORD II 3775     867  
TELEMANDIR 5097        13  8 0 ROLE MONSTERS 408    DION STARFIRE 2399     865  

                                     PERSONAL ADS

                                  LAST WEEK'S FIGHTS

ALBERTA FALLS was viciously butchered by LADRO KHAN in a 3 minute Dark Arena fight.
DION STARFIRE viciously subdued GOODBYE in a 2 minute brutal expert's Title battle.
STEADY SARAH defeated SAGAN in a crowd pleasing 3 minute duel.
AGIS devastated MANNINGTREE OX in a 1 minute one-sided fight.
RAOUL demolished MOULDY ROGUE in a 1 minute mismatched competition.
BLOODSWORD II vanquished TALL THOMAS in a 1 minute mismatched fight.
SILVERBACK was overpowered by DIZZY MALT-WORM in a popular 1 minute mismatched brawl.
FLAP-DRAGON vanquished CULT MEMBER in a 1 minute uneven duel.
PUZZLEWIT viciously subdued CULT MEMBER in a 2 minute gruesome fight.

                                    BATTLE REPORT

             MOST POPULAR                        RECORD DURING THE LAST 10 TURNS     
|FIGHTING STYLE               FIGHTS        FIGHTING STYLE     W -   L -  K   PERCENT|
|BASHING ATTACK                   4         STRIKING ATTACK    9 -   1 -  0      90  |
|AIMED BLOW                       2         SLASHING ATTACK   10 -   4 -  1      71  |
|SLASHING ATTACK                  2         PARRY-STRIKE       6 -   3 -  0      67  |
|WALL OF STEEL                    2         AIMED BLOW        15 -  10 -  0      60  |
|LUNGING ATTACK                   2         TOTAL PARRY       10 -   8 -  0      56  |
|PARRY-STRIKE                     1         LUNGING ATTACK     6 -   5 -  1      55  |
|PARRY-RIPOSTE                    1         PARRY-RIPOSTE      5 -   5 -  1      50  |
|STRIKING ATTACK                  1         BASHING ATTACK    12 -  14 -  2      46  |
|PARRY-LUNGE                      0         WALL OF STEEL      6 -  10 -  0      38  |
|TOTAL PARRY                      0         PARRY-LUNGE        0 -   0 -  0       0  |

Turn 868 was great if you     Not so great if you used      The fighting styles of the
used the fighting styles:     the fighting styles:          top eleven warriors are:

AIMED BLOW         2 -  0     BASHING ATTACK     1 -  3         3  BASHING ATTACK 
PARRY-STRIKE       1 -  0     PARRY-LUNGE        0 -  0         2  WALL OF STEEL  
PARRY-RIPOSTE      1 -  0     LUNGING ATTACK     0 -  2         2  AIMED BLOW     
SLASHING ATTACK    2 -  0     STRIKING ATTACK    0 -  1         1  PARRY-STRIKE   
WALL OF STEEL      1 -  1     TOTAL PARRY        0 -  0         1  SLASHING ATTACK
                                                                1  STRIKING ATTACK
                                                                1  LUNGING ATTACK 

                               TOP WARRIOR OF EACH STYLE

FIGHTING STYLE   WARRIOR                     W   L  K PNTS TEAM NAME                  
BASHING ATTACK   DION STARFIRE 2399         10   2  1  109 STAR GUARDIANS (190)
PARRY-STRIKE     AGIS 1499                  14  11  1   93 STAR GUARDIANS (190)
WALL OF STEEL    GOODBYE 5044               15  13  2   90 MS11 05 (504)
AIMED BLOW       RAOUL 3749                  9   3  0   81 STAR GUARDIANS (190)
SLASHING ATTACK  BLOODSWORD II 3775          6   0  1   67 STAR GUARDIANS (190)
STRIKING ATTACK  SAGAN 3542                  7   4  0   66 STAR GUARDIANS (190)
LUNGING ATTACK   MOULDY ROGUE 5124           6   2  0   54 BARDIC FLAPPERY (510)
Note: Warriors have a winning record and are an Adept or Above.

The overall popularity leader is STEADY SARAH 5088.  The most popular warrior this 
turn was SAGAN 3542.  The ten other most popular fighters were ALBERTA FALLS 5136, 

The least popular fighter this week was TALL THOMAS 5089.  The other ten least 
popular fighters were MOULDY ROGUE 5124, MANNINGTREE OX 5122, SILVERBACK 5137, 
AGIS 1499, and STEADY SARAH 5088.

                            WINTER FACE-TO-FACE IN TEMPE!

We hope you will join us at our winter FTF in Tempe, AZ, January 17-19, 2025! It will 
be held at our usual Embassy Suites Hotel in Tempe, Arizona (480-897-7444).  Room 
rates are $209.00 per night, 1-2 occupancy, which includes full cooked breakfast, 
complimentary manager's reception, free parking and free high speed internet.  There's 
a fitness center, jacuzzi, and pool.  The rooms are blocked--the group code is 929.

      The official block cutoff is mid-December so make your reservations ASAP!
             The hotel reservation site is:  http://tinyurl.com/FF72inTempe 

Please note that doubles are limited.  As always, if the block is full, please make 
your reservation the best you can (book a king, and/or book at normal rates) and let 
us know and we'll work with the sales office to get them to correct your reservation. 
You can contact the Tempe Embassy (480-897-7444) to be put on the waiting list for 
a double suite, too.

We look forward to seeing you in January! -- RSI

                  MAIL-IN TOURNEY LXXIX

PRIMUS TOURNEY                         W  L  K         TEAM NAME            
RATTLER 4336 (106-118-0)               0  5  0         SERPENTS' HOLD       

CONTENDERS TOURNEY                     W  L  K         TEAM NAME            
KULGAN 4268 (158-88-3)                 6  3  0         MEN OF STEEL         
MUD KING 4659 (116-78-5)               6  3  0         MEN OF STEEL         
ASHEN SHUGAR 1867 (100-120-5)          5  3  0         MEN OF STEEL         

ELIGIBLES TOURNEY                      W  L  K         TEAM NAME            
SNAKE BITE 4343 (105-100-1)            7  3  0         MEN OF STEEL         
ARUTHA 4723 (72-21-2)                  5  3  0         MEN OF STEEL         

ADM TOURNEY                            W  L  K         TEAM NAME            
GENIUS AWESOME 4402 (64-49-2)          5  3  0         MEN OF STEEL         

FRESHMEN TOURNEY                       W  L  K         TEAM NAME            
DOLGAN 751 (142-179-5)                 4  3  0         MEN OF STEEL         

CHALLENGERS TOURNEY                    W  L  K         TEAM NAME            
TURK-Y MEAT 5023 (5-0-0)              11  3  0         MEN OF STEEL         
MAGNUS 4857 (9-2-0)                   10  3  0         MEN OF STEEL         
TYLER DURDEN 4889 (8-1-0)              6  3  0         PROJECT MAYHEM 136   
SERGEANT 5 4497 (14-5-0)               1  3  0         MEDAL OF HONOR A11   

ADEPTS TOURNEY                         W  L  K         TEAM NAME            
CAPTAIN MIDNIGHT 5074 (0-1-0)          9  3  0         MEN OF STEEL         
SALM 5116 (9-3-2)                      6  3  0         PEGASUS              
DIZZY MALT-WORM 5107 (2-2-0)           1  3  0         BARDIC FLAPPERY      

INITIATES TOURNEY                      W  L  K         TEAM NAME            
TRADER SAM 5135 (2-1-0)                6  3  0         JUNGLE CRUISE        

APPRENTICES TOURNEY                    W  L  K         TEAM NAME            
ALBERTA FALLS 5136 (2-0-1)             2  3  0         JUNGLE CRUISE        
GANESHA 5138 (1-0-0)                   0  1  0  DEAD   JUNGLE CRUISE        

ELIGIBLES FOOLS TOURNEY                W  L  K         TEAM NAME            
AFRICAN SWALLOW 3075 (88-66-1)         0  3  0         KNIGHTS OF NI