Date   : 05/15/2024    Duedate: 05/28/2024


DM 81    TURN 450

This Week's Top Honors


(81-1372) [22-17-1,141]

Chartered Recognition Leader   Unchartered Recognition Leader

ALEKSANDR                      POSITION IS EMPTY
FAR TRAVELERS (113)            
(81-1372) [22-17-1,141]        

Popularity Leader              This Week's Favorite

AHNA MISSTEP                   HANA
(81-3729) [20-33-3,135]        (81-1370) [19-20-1,88]



Team Name                  Point Gain  Chartered Team
1. CHILDHOOD HEROES (8)          67 
2. BIG LAKE SOLUTION (178)       51    ROMAN REPUBLIC (204)
3. LITERATE LOONS (40)           28    Unchartered Team
4. FAR TRAVELERS (113)           25 
5. CULT OF BACCHUS (4)           21    POSITION IS EMPTY

The Top Teams

Career Win-Loss Record           W   L  K    %  Win-Loss Record Last 3 Turns    W  L K
 1/ 1 ROMAN REPUBLIC (204)      35  27  3 56.5   1/ 4 BIG LAKE SOLUTION (178)  11  4 1
 2/ 2 NBA LEGENDS (156)        255 203 15 55.7   2/ 9 CHILDHOOD HEROES (8)     10  3 1
 3/ 3 CULT OF BACCHUS (4)      977 809 33 54.7   3/ 1 NBA LEGENDS (156)        10  5 0
 4/ 4 DRAGONBANE GUILD (13)    747 648 21 53.5   4/ 8 WICKED MARTYRS (148)      8  7 1
 5/ 5 CLAN LONGBEARD (39)      918 803 32 53.3   5/ 2 CLAN LONGBEARD (39)       8  7 0
 6/ 6 DARQUE AGES (29)         1017 955 45 51.6   6/11 DRAGONBANE GUILD (13)     7  8 1
 7/ 7 PRAY THE GODS (155)      487 459 29 51.5   7/13 CULT OF BACCHUS (4)       7  8 0
 8/11 CHILDHOOD HEROES (8)      89  90  6 49.7   8/ 3 FAR TRAVELERS (113)       7  8 0
 9/ 9 WICKED MARTYRS (148)     629 643 27 49.4   9/ 6 LITERATE LOONS (40)       6  9 0
10/ 8 FAR TRAVELERS (113)       95  98  7 49.2  10/ 5 DARQUE AGES (29)          5  9 0
11/12 BIG LAKE SOLUTION (178)  413 460 32 47.3  11/ 7 ROMAN REPUBLIC (204)      5 10 0
12/13 LITERATE LOONS (40)      755 848 34 47.1  12/14 THE CHURCH (203)          5 10 0
13/10 THE CHURCH (203)          28  32  2 46.7  13-10 INEBRIATION (27)          4  5 0
14-14 INEBRIATION (27)         420 566 28 42.6  14-12 DEMONIC CHILI'S (201)     3  5 0
15-15 DEMONIC CHILI'S (201)     36  67  1 35.0  15/15 PRAY THE GODS (155)       2  0 0

    '*'   Unchartered team                       '-'  Team did not fight this turn
   (###)  Avoid teams by their Team Id          ##/## This turn's/Last turn's rank

                                      SPY REPORT

The rain was on and off today, but it did not stop the arena action. I like the misty 
days because there is not as much dust being kicked up by the gladiators. The fans did 
not seem to mind either as the arena was filled with eager on-lookers.  It was a busy 
day, so let's get started with this report. My haste has less to do with your 
anticipation and more to do with my desire for an ale when I'm finished.

Agave steps down from the throne in more ways than one this week. He was off to the 
Isle, but he must have wanted to make the trip early. All of the Inebriation guild sat 
inactive today. With a challenge for the throne off the table, we jump to a 
recognition battle to declare our next champion.  This fight came down to Sir Charles 
and Aleksandr, an NBA Legend vs a Far Traveler. In the end, Aleksandr is our newest 
champion and also a new Lord Protector. Sir Charles is disappointed he did not win the 
throne, but the consolation for him was an invitation to the Isle, too. 

I know Visionist is feeling a sting the most, but it was painful to watch Gayne fall 
today. At 25-17-2, he had seen a ton of arena action. The hard part of the no-tourney 
arena is death has a more permanent feel to it.  Karma Police also left us at 15-11-0, 
falling to the blade of Ahna Misstep. We might have an arena of vengeance in a few 
weeks! There were three Dark Arena deaths adding to this cycle's total count.  
Condolences to the teams with dead warriors, and good luck to those with targets on 
their armor for the next four turns!

Literate Loons is once again the most avoided team, and The Church mostly avoided 
them.  I would assume this was a match made in the heavens (or hells)! The most 
challenged warrior today is Karl-Franz. Dennis Rodman challenged up to the lesser 
experienced Karl-Franz, defeating him in a 2-minute match.  There were 11 challenges 
in 33 fights.  The golems are not being very forthcoming with how that compares to the 
other no-tourney arenas, so I'll try to add that little tidbit next time.

You know the drill! Come back next turn, bring a friend, bring me a drink, and maybe 
something to snack on while I'm watching the fights! Any of the vendors around the 
arena are winners if you need snack ideas.  Come right to the press box.  I will tell 
security to let you through if you are carrying food!  Okay, ya bums, get out of here 
and enjoy your victory celebrations, your defeats, and possibly a few funerals. Okay, 
you don't have to enjoy the last two options, but you do need to get out of here! I 
need a drink!

                                          -- Huard DePriest

DUELMASTER                     W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 ALEKSANDR 1372               22  17  1 141         FAR TRAVELERS (113)       

CHALLENGER CHAMPIONS           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 WONDER WOMAN 62              22  15  3 140         CHILDHOOD HEROES (8)      
 AHNA MISSTEP 3729            20  33  3 135         BIG LAKE SOLUTION (178)   
 SIR CHARLES 3733             29  21  0 108         NBA LEGENDS (156)         
 RODGER NEFFER 3872           13  10  1 105         WICKED MARTYRS (148)      
 BAVIL 3793                   26  13  0 102         CLAN LONGBEARD (39)       
 DRUV 3785                    16  11  0 100         PRAY THE GODS (155)       
 MEADE 3895                   12   8  0  92         CLAN LONGBEARD (39)       
 GALPOH CHIPAXE 3823          13  20  2  91         BIG LAKE SOLUTION (178)   

CHAMPIONS                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 TANKERA 3873                 12  11  0  90         WICKED MARTYRS (148)      
 SGT. YORK 61                 16  21  1  89         CHILDHOOD HEROES (8)      
 HANA 1370                    19  20  1  88         FAR TRAVELERS (113)       
 SHAQ 3840                    17  13  0  81         NBA LEGENDS (156)         
 DAINTY LEAF 3890             10   9  1  81         CULT OF BACCHUS (4)       
 BIG BROTHER 59               17  20  0  71         CHILDHOOD HEROES (8)      
 JACOB GRIMM 3834             14  17  2  71         LITERATE LOONS (40)       

CHAMPIONS                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 ORLANDO 2688                 15  24  1  70         DRAGONBANE GUILD (13)     

CHALLENGER ADEPTS              W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 TENN PENN 3871               12  11  0  66         WICKED MARTYRS (148)      
 KAYD THE BOQ 3937             5   5  1  66         BIG LAKE SOLUTION (178)   
 OTTOBOT 3829                 16  15  1  64         CULT OF BACCHUS (4)       
 CANTERBURY 3901              11   7  0  61         DARQUE AGES (29)          
-TITO'S 3868                   9  11  0  60         INEBRIATION (27)          

ADEPTS                         W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 DENNIS RODMAN 3894           11   8  0  54         NBA LEGENDS (156)         
 MARCUS CATO 3969              9   4  1  54         ROMAN REPUBLIC (204)      
 NIKOLAI GOGOL 3911            8   7  0  54         LITERATE LOONS (40)       
-J-LAPENO 3849                10  11  0  52         DEMONIC CHILI'S (201)     
-OTTO'S BIG-TIPPER 3833        8  19  0  52         INEBRIATION (27)          
 DORNE 3891                   10   9  1  49         CULT OF BACCHUS (4)       
 REFRIGERATOR PERRY 552       10  10  0  47         CHILDHOOD HEROES (8)      
 MUMBLECRUST 3954              5   1  0  47         DARQUE AGES (29)          
 KARL-FRANZ 3946               3   5  1  46         FAR TRAVELERS (113)       
 WYRMSHADOW 2986               8   6  0  44         DRAGONBANE GUILD (13)     
 PUBLIUS SCIPIO 3966           7   6  1  43         ROMAN REPUBLIC (204)      
-SAUCY SHERIFF 3904            6   4  0  43         DEMONIC CHILI'S (201)     
 WASTEL 3917                  10   5  1  41         DARQUE AGES (29)          
 APPIUS CAUDEX 3970            8   5  0  41         ROMAN REPUBLIC (204)      
 DAGO DRACOSPEAR 3948          5   2  1  39         DRAGONBANE GUILD (13)     
 STORMWING CADET 3932          4   5  0  37         DRAGONBANE GUILD (13)     
 KOHLBE 3950                   4   4  0  37         CLAN LONGBEARD (39)       
 DURN WOLFSNARL 3955           3   3  0  36         BIG LAKE SOLUTION (178)   

CHALLENGER INITIATES           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 PAUL THE BEARER 3925          8   4  0  33         THE CHURCH (203)          
 TIBERE GRACCHUS 3971          8   5  1  30         ROMAN REPUBLIC (204)      
 NUN YA BUSINESS 3935          6   4  0  27         THE CHURCH (203)          
 CURANDERO 3977                3   0  0  27         FAR TRAVELERS (113)       
 KAWHI LEONARD 3956            4   2  0  25         NBA LEGENDS (156)         
 REIKA 3963                    2   2  0  25         WICKED MARTYRS (148)      
 HERMAN MELVILLE 3949          5   3  0  24         LITERATE LOONS (40)       

INITIATES                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 CARDINAL SINNER 3942          5   4  1  20         THE CHURCH (203)          
 GROOG 3960                    2   1  0  20         CULT OF BACCHUS (4)       
 GEORGE ELIOT 3978             1   2  0  18         LITERATE LOONS (40)       
 MICKEY SPLITZ 3973            2   1  0  17         BIG LAKE SOLUTION (178)   
-FOZZY GEEZER 3936             4   4  0  16         INEBRIATION (27)          
 SCARLETT 3959                 1   0  0  16         CHILDHOOD HEROES (8)      
 STEPH CURRY 3965              2   2  0  15         NBA LEGENDS (156)         
 HOARD 3974                    2   1  0  15         DRAGONBANE GUILD (13)     
 FOPDOODLE 3953                3   3  1  14         DARQUE AGES (29)          
-BLUE BULL 3979                1   0  0  11         INEBRIATION (27)          
 KILLIAN 3957                  2   3  0   9         FAR TRAVELERS (113)       
 G.K. CHESTERTON 3958          2   2  0   8         LITERATE LOONS (40)       
-HOT LIPS 3941                 2   2  0   8         DEMONIC CHILI'S (201)     
 TZISS 3962                    1   3  1   7         WICKED MARTYRS (148)      
 DEVIOUS DEACON 3961           1   3  0   6         THE CHURCH (203)          
 FLAVIUS MANICUS 3976          0   3  0   3         ROMAN REPUBLIC (204)      
-CHILI WILLEY 3975             0   1  0   1         DEMONIC CHILI'S (201)     
-HOT TAMALE 3980               0   1  0   1         DEMONIC CHILI'S (201)     

'-' denotes a warrior who did not fight this turn.

THE DEAD                W  L K TEAM NAME            SLAIN BY              TURN Revenge?
BARQ BITE 3947          1  4 0 BIG LAKE SOLUTIO 178 FOPDOODLE 3953         447 JUST REVENGED
AHROG 3927              5  8 0 CLAN LONGBEARD 39    ARENAMASTER            450 NONE

THE DEAD                W  L K TEAM NAME            SLAIN BY              TURN Revenge?
GAYNE 3783             25 17 2 CLAN LONGBEARD 39    WONDER WOMAN 62        450  
KARMA POLICE 3855      15 11 0 CULT OF BACCHUS 4    AHNA MISSTEP 3729      450  
DEAD 3989               0  1 0 DARQUE AGES 29       STONE GOLEM            450 NONE
SPARPLE 3952            0  4 0 DARQUE AGES 29       DAGO DRACOSPEAR 3948   448  
HAMM 3866              13  4 0 INEBRIATION 27       GAYNE 3783             447 REVENGED
NATURAL ICE 3972        0  1 0 INEBRIATION 27       TZISS 3962             448 REVENGED
ISIAH THOMAS 3939       3  3 1 NBA LEGENDS 156      KAYD THE BOQ 3937      446 REVENGED
FINGERLESS FRIAR 3921   4  4 1 THE CHURCH 203       KARL-FRANZ 3946        446 NOT REVENGED
POUNCING PONTIF 3923    4  8 0 THE CHURCH 203       SPYMASTER              450 NONE

                                     PERSONAL ADS

Dago Dracospear -- "The medieval word sparple means to deflect attention from one 
thing by making a big deal of something else." -- Darque

Dragonbane Guild -- We may or may not feud. Sparple was on his way to the Dark Arena, 
but Darque, as he is prone to do, did not send in the order. You saved us a turn. 
Plus, explaining an arena death to the next of kin is much easier than saying, "Your 
relative had no redeeming qualities as a gladiator, so we sent him to fight an 
impossibly stronger warrior to die and end his contract with our guild." -- Darque 

Scipio and Cato leading the boys, a peculiar pair. The daring free thinker and the 
stoic conservative. Worlds apart in the city. Yet, brothers in the arena. -- Valerius 

Literates, there are a few people I would love to see joining your team. Happy to make 
room. -- Cato

Nikolai, hang up your sword and take up the quill. For it is in the latter that your 
true talent lies. -- Scipio

All -- Still no results, so double ads next time. -- Visionist

                                  LAST WEEK'S FIGHTS

POUNCING PONTIF was butchered by SPYMASTER in a 1 minute bloody Dark Arena fight.
AHROG was slaughtered by ARENAMASTER in a 1 minute gruesome Dark Arena battle.
DEAD was murdered by STONE GOLEM in a 1 minute Dark Arena fight.
DURN WOLFSNARL won victory over FOPDOODLE in a 3 minute Bloodfeud brawl.
AHNA MISSTEP butchered KARMA POLICE in a 1 minute brutal one-sided Challenge fight.
SIR CHARLES was viciously subdued by ALEKSANDR in a 4 minute Challenge Title brawl.
DRUV beat TANKERA in a 2 minute master's Challenge brawl.
GALPOH CHIPAXE overpowered BIG BROTHER in a 1 minute uneven Challenge melee.
SHAQ was vanquished by RODGER NEFFER in a 1 minute uneven Challenge duel.
ORLANDO was overpowered by DAINTY LEAF in a 2 minute gory uneven Challenge duel.
HANA was outlasted by BAVIL in a popular 7 minute gory expert's Challenge match.
DENNIS RODMAN subdued KARL-FRANZ in a 2 minute Challenge match.
KAYD THE BOQ devastated WYRMSHADOW in a 1 minute mismatched Challenge conflict.
CURANDERO savagely defeated MICKEY SPLITZ in a 4 minute amateur's Challenge match.
GAYNE was put to death by WONDER WOMAN in a action packed 1 minute veteran's conflict.
JACOB GRIMM was overpowered by MEADE in a 1 minute uneven struggle.
SGT. YORK handily defeated MARCUS CATO in a 2 minute bloody mismatched bout.
PUBLIUS SCIPIO was bested by NIKOLAI GOGOL in a 3 minute brutal fight.
MUMBLECRUST was demolished by TENN PENN in a 2 minute one-sided bout.
OTTOBOT beat WASTEL in a crowd pleasing 3 minute fight.
DORNE devastated CARDINAL SINNER in a 2 minute gory one-sided contest.
REFRIGERATOR PERRY won victory over KOHLBE in a 4 minute match.
CANTERBURY overpowered TIBERE GRACCHUS in a 1 minute uneven fray.
STEPH CURRY was handily defeated by STORMWING CADET in a 1 minute one-sided contest.
DAGO DRACOSPEAR subdued NUN YA BUSINESS in a 2 minute fight.
PAUL THE BEARER outlasted KAWHI LEONARD in a exciting 9 minute duel.
APPIUS CAUDEX overpowered FRATSFA SLAVE in a 2 minute one-sided duel.
HERMAN MELVILLE overpowered FLAVIUS MANICUS in a 4 minute uneven match.
TZISS was luckily beaten by GEORGE ELIOT in a 2 minute gory beginner's duel.
REIKA handily defeated MORDANT DESERTER in a 1 minute mismatched bout.
GROOG vanquished DEVIOUS DEACON in a 1 minute one-sided bout.
G.K. CHESTERTON was overpowered by SCARLETT in a 1 minute uneven duel.
KILLIAN was defeated by HOARD in a 3 minute gory novice's match.

                                    BATTLE REPORT

             MOST POPULAR                        RECORD DURING THE LAST 10 TURNS     
|FIGHTING STYLE               FIGHTS        FIGHTING STYLE     W -   L -  K   PERCENT|
|LUNGING ATTACK                  10         PARRY-RIPOSTE     26 -  19 -  0      58  |
|STRIKING ATTACK                 10         WALL OF STEEL     31 -  24 -  5      56  |
|PARRY-LUNGE                      7         SLASHING ATTACK   39 -  33 -  2      54  |
|SLASHING ATTACK                  7         TOTAL PARRY       53 -  47 -  0      53  |
|TOTAL PARRY                      6         PARRY-LUNGE       34 -  31 -  3      52  |
|BASHING ATTACK                   6         PARRY-STRIKE      18 -  19 -  1      49  |
|AIMED BLOW                       5         AIMED BLOW        29 -  31 -  2      48  |
|PARRY-STRIKE                     4         LUNGING ATTACK    41 -  46 -  3      47  |
|PARRY-RIPOSTE                    3         BASHING ATTACK    21 -  27 -  1      44  |
|WALL OF STEEL                    3         STRIKING ATTACK   28 -  38 -  3      42  |

Turn 450 was great if you     Not so great if you used      The fighting styles of the
used the fighting styles:     the fighting styles:          top eleven warriors are:

PARRY-LUNGE        6 -  1     WALL OF STEEL      1 -  2         3  LUNGING ATTACK 
TOTAL PARRY        5 -  1     LUNGING ATTACK     3 -  7         3  PARRY-LUNGE    
PARRY-RIPOSTE      2 -  1     STRIKING ATTACK    3 -  7         2  TOTAL PARRY    
AIMED BLOW         3 -  2     PARRY-STRIKE       0 -  4         2  SLASHING ATTACK
SLASHING ATTACK    4 -  3                                       1  BASHING ATTACK 
BASHING ATTACK     3 -  3     

                               TOP WARRIOR OF EACH STYLE

FIGHTING STYLE   WARRIOR                     W   L  K PNTS TEAM NAME                  
LUNGING ATTACK   ALEKSANDR 1372             22  17  1  141 FAR TRAVELERS (113)
PARRY-LUNGE      WONDER WOMAN 62            22  15  3  140 CHILDHOOD HEROES (8)
TOTAL PARRY      SIR CHARLES 3733           29  21  0  108 NBA LEGENDS (156)
SLASHING ATTACK  RODGER NEFFER 3872         13  10  1  105 WICKED MARTYRS (148)
BASHING ATTACK   MEADE 3895                 12   8  0   92 CLAN LONGBEARD (39)
PARRY-RIPOSTE    DAINTY LEAF 3890           10   9  1   81 CULT OF BACCHUS (4)
AIMED BLOW       OTTOBOT 3829               16  15  1   64 CULT OF BACCHUS (4)
WALL OF STEEL    DORNE 3891                 10   9  1   49 CULT OF BACCHUS (4)
PARRY-STRIKE     WASTEL 3917                10   5  1   41 DARQUE AGES (29)
Note: Warriors have a winning record and are an Adept or Above.

The overall popularity leader is AHNA MISSTEP 3729.  The most popular warrior this 
turn was HANA 1370.  The ten other most popular fighters were ALEKSANDR 1372, KAWHI 

The least popular fighter this week was PAUL THE BEARER 3925.  The other ten least 
popular fighters were G.K. CHESTERTON 3958, DEVIOUS DEACON 3961, STEPH CURRY 3965, 

The following warriors will travel to AD after next turn:


The following warriors have traveled to AD after fighting this turn:

AGAVE (81-3599) INEBRIATION (27)

                            WINTER FACE-TO-FACE IN TEMPE!

We hope you will join us at our winter FTF in Tempe, AZ, January 17-19, 2025! It will 
be held at our usual Embassy Suites Hotel in Tempe, Arizona (480-897-7444).  Room 
rates are $209.00 per night, 1-2 occupancy, which includes full cooked breakfast, 
complimentary manager's reception, free parking and free high speed internet.  There's 
a fitness center, jacuzzi, and pool.  The rooms are blocked--the group code is 929.

      The official block cutoff is mid-December so make your reservations ASAP!
             The hotel reservation site is:  http://tinyurl.com/FF72inTempe 

Please note that doubles are limited.  As always, if the block is full, please make 
your reservation the best you can (book a king, and/or book at normal rates) and let 
us know and we'll work with the sales office to get them to correct your reservation. 
You can contact the Tempe Embassy (480-897-7444) to be put on the waiting list for 
a double suite, too.

We look forward to seeing you in January! -- RSI

                  MAIL-IN TOURNEY LXXIX

PRIMUS TOURNEY                         W  L  K         TEAM NAME            
NICK NACK 1750 (94-96-3)               1  4  0         BOND-AGE             

ADM TOURNEY                            W  L  K         TEAM NAME            
GIBSON 2381 (169-65-2)                 6  3  0         WICKED MARTYRS       

FRESHMEN TOURNEY                       W  L  K         TEAM NAME            
DANTE 3002 (74-77-3)                   3  3  0         DARQUE AGES          
BARBAROSSA 2098 (74-96-1)              2  3  0         DARQUE AGES          
ORC CHOPS 490 (28-19-0)                2  3  0         FUCHI OWNED          
MAGNA CARTA 3747 (27-17-0)             1  3  0         DARQUE AGES          
TOURS 3114 (61-66-1)                   1  3  0         DARQUE AGES          

ADM FOOLS TOURNEY                      W  L  K         TEAM NAME            
BOUVINES 3265 (69-53-3)                2  3  0         DARQUE AGES          
STRABO 2689 (79-100-1)                 0  3  0         DARQUE AGES          

FRESHMEN FOOLS TOURNEY                 W  L  K         TEAM NAME            
DOCTOR J 2385 (47-40-1)                0  3  0         NBA LEGENDS          
HAKEEM 2521 (30-47-6)                  0  3  0         NBA LEGENDS          

                         SUMMER FACE-TO-FACE IN MINNEAPOLIS!

Our summer Face-to-Face is in the midwest again this year, and we're going back to the 
Twin Cities! We hope you will join us at our summer FTF in Bloomington, MN on July 12-
14, 2024! It will be held at the Embassy Suites Minneapolis Airport (800-317-8143). 
Room rates are $164/$174 for king and 2 doubles suites respectively, and all have free 
high speed internet and all the Embassy goodness (free made-to-order breakfast, 
complimentary manager's reception, airport shuttle, indoor pool, business center and 
on-site restaurant.  The rooms are blocked and the code is "915." 

         The official block cutoff is June 21 so make your reservations ASAP!
         The hotel reservation site is:  https://tinyurl.com/FF71inMinneapolis

Please note that doubles are limited.  As always, if the block is full, please make 
your reservation the best you can (book a king, and/or book at normal rates) and let 
us know and we'll work with the sales office to get them to correct your reservation. 

We look forward to seeing you in July! -- RSI

                                SUMMER BLOODGAMES 2024

Back by popular demand, we will be hosting a new slow Bloodgames mailed arena 
beginning in August. We also plan our usual Bloodgames arenas at the summer Face-

For those of you who always wanted the chance to manage the last warrior standing 
alive upon the arena sands, your day has come.  The Bloodgames are coming! 

At the end of the ten turns, even though several warriors, bruised and scarred, MAY 
yet live, only one will be crowned Champion of the Bloodgames.  And in this game mere 
survival counts for little.  A great general once said, "The object of battle is not 
to die for your cause, but to make your enemy die for his."  This general would have 
greatly enjoyed the Duelmasters Bloodgames.  Here are the particulars: 

  Face-to-Face style          Turn 1 is due Fri July 12 at 9pm at the hotel
  Bloodgames (DM 98):         Turns process with the tournament 
	                      Strategy changes allowed, bloodfeud challenges only 

  Mail-in style               Turn 1 is due Sat July 13 at 9pm at the hotel
  Bloodgames (DM 99):         All turns process overnight, mail-in style.
	                      No strategy changes; all ten rounds process one
                              after the other and results will be out Sun morning.
  Slow Bloodgames (DM 95):    Turn 1 is due Thurs August 1 
                              Turns process every 28 days
	                      Strategy changes allowed, bloodfeud challenges only 
Gameplay proceeds according to standard DM rules, except for a few notable exceptions: 

BLOODGAMES ROLLUP --  Your Bloodgames team is ten warriors, one of each fighting 
style, each warrior designed from scratch!  (All are DYOs (design your owns) with 84 
points, 3-21, as usual.) To submit your rollup, just write/type them up and send them 
in.  We'll mail or email your overviews and you can write up your strategies. Your 
warriors must be created and have strategies entered by the first due date. 

DEATH -- As the name implies, the Bloodgames will leave the arena sands somewhat 
darker before they're over.  It's a dangerous sport intended only for the tough and 
spirited.  The Arenamaster will be less likely to intercede on behalf of a dying 
warrior.  Even at a 1 kill desire, kill attempts will occur.

REPLACEMENTS AND ROLLUPS -- There will be no replacement characters.  

CHALLENGES AND STRATEGIES -- In the turn-based bloodgames, there are no regular 
challenges, only bloodfeuds.  There will be no DA challenges in any of the bloodgames 

TURN PROCESSING AND DUE DATES -- DM 95 is due August 1 and will process on a 28-day 
schedule.  The other two bloodgames arenas will be processed at the summer Face-to-
Face. (Note: there will also be bloodgames at the next winter FTF.)

MISSED TURNS -- All warriors fight each round.  Only the dead may rest.

ERRORS -- If we make an input error, that warrior will be awarded a win and kill.  
Errors must be reported before the next turn processes.  

NEWSLETTER -- Warriors are ranked according to their number of kills.  Champions of 
Bloodgames may write a column for the newsletter at the end of the games. 

FEES -- A Bloodgames rollup costs a $10 set-up fee.  Managers may roll up more than 
one team but may run only one team in each arena.  The fee for all ten rounds is $49. 

AWARDS -- The Bloodgames last ten rounds.  Only warriors who survive to the end of 
Turn 10 will be eligible for an award.  However, a consolation award of a Bloodgames 
T-shirt will be awarded to the dead warrior with the most kills.

The living warrior with the greatest number of kills will be the Bloodgames Champion.  
Bloodgames Victor titles, 2nd and 3rd place will be awarded to those living warriors 
with the greatest number of kills at the end of Turn 10, with one other important 
consideration:  Each of these three warriors must be of a different fighting style.  
Win/loss records and, if necessary, recognition points will only be used to determine 
awards if there is a tie.  

The Bloodgames Champion fights for free in Advanced Duelmasters, and all Champions and 
Victors earn Tournament Victor status, which allows them to challenge once per turn 
with increased priority.  These awards last for six months.  The manager of the 
Bloodgames Champion and Victors will receive Bloodgames T-shirts.

A Bloodgames T-shirt will be awarded to the manager of the team with the most kills.T-
shirts will only happen if someone gives us a nice design. One shirt per person.

AFTERMATH -- Warriors from the Bloodgames may not transfer to any other arena.  Once 
the games are over, the arena and teams will be disbanded.  The fighters have won 
their freedom and will never more be seen in the gladiatorial games.  A special bonus 
will, however, be awarded to the 1st through 3rd place warriors.  Lady Sheila 
Greywand, of the Isle of the Eye, has consented to allow the top three gladiators in 
each Bloodgames admission to the Advanced Duelmasters games.  Any special training 
required to qualify those three warriors for Advanced Duelmasters combat will be 
conducted before transfer into ADM.  Astute managers will note that this means that 
three warriors that are designed from scratch will survive the Bloodgames, win one of 
the top three places, and go on to immortal glory!  One of those warriors could be 

         The challenge is yours to take.  The final plans are yours to make.  
          When the dust settles, remember:  To the victor goes the spoils!