Date   : 04/22/2024    Duedate: 05/04/2024


DM 1    TURN 1010

This Week's Top Honors


(1-10018) [18-8-0,127]

Chartered Recognition Leader   Unchartered Recognition Leader

BLACK CHALICE                  LAURA
(1-10018) [18-8-0,127]         (1-6248) [5-3-0,66]

Popularity Leader              This Week's Favorite

RUNALONG                       RUNALONG
(1-9999) [15-33-0,81]          (1-9999) [15-33-0,81]



Team Name                  Point Gain  Chartered Team
1. SIMPLY DESSERTS (720)         57 
2. BLACK MONASTARY (243)         34    POINT GUARDS (620)
3. CHECK YO SELF (724)           31    Unchartered Team
4. BLACK OUTPOST (252)           30 
5. BLACK ARMADA (236)            26    CHECK YO SELF (724)

The Top Teams

Career Win-Loss Record           W   L  K    %  Win-Loss Record Last 3 Turns    W  L K
 1/ 0*CHECK YO SELF (724)        4   0  2 100.   1/ 1 CARE LESS BEARS (267)    11  4 0
 2/ 1 POINT GUARDS (620)         9   3  0 75.0   2/ 2 HOT RODS (297)            9  2 0
 3/ 2 MADNESS 2 II (712)        17   7  0 70.8   3/ 6 SIMPLY DESSERTS (720)     8  2 0
 4/ 3 SIMPLY DESSERTS (720)     85  46  3 64.9   4/ 3 BLACK MONASTARY (243)     6  5 0
 5/ 4 BLACK MONASTARY (243)     83  61  7 57.6   5/ 5*ALPHA ALPHA ALPHA (446)   6  9 2
 6/ 5 CARE LESS BEARS (267)    706 552 34 56.1   6/10 BLACK OUTPOST (252)       4  4 0
 7/ 6 HOT RODS (297)           139 118  4 54.1   7/ 4 BLACK ARMADA (236)        4 10 0
 8/ 7 BLACK ARMADA (236)        36  38  2 48.6   8/ 7 HOMICIDAL MANIACS (121)   4 11 1
 9/ 8 RAT PAK (155)            124 138 11 47.3   9/13 BLACK PANTHEON (299)      3  4 1
10/ 9 BLACK OUTPOST (252)       34  40  1 45.9  10/ 0*CHECK YO SELF (724)       2  0 1
11/10 EXORCISE THIS (710)       52  63  5 45.2  11/ 8 POINT GUARDS (620)        2  1 0
12/12 BLACK PANTHEON (299)      52  64  3 44.8  12/ 9 MADNESS 2 II (712)        2  1 0
13-11 THE BLACK EXPRESS (241)   38  47  4 44.7  13/11 EXORCISE THIS (710)       0  3 0
14/13 HOMICIDAL MANIACS (121)  945 1521 27 38.3  14/14 RAT PAK (155)             0  2 0
15/14*ALPHA ALPHA ALPHA (446)   13  27  3 32.5  15-12 THE BLACK EXPRESS (241)   0  2 0

    '*'   Unchartered team                       '-'  Team did not fight this turn
   (###)  Avoid teams by their Team Id          ##/## This turn's/Last turn's rank

                                      SPY REPORT

Spymaster's Report DM-1, Turn 1010

(Amathus is in his usual motley, though soaking wet in the dark, rainy Mordant day.)

It is hard times indeed to be bringing the news of MORDANT's arena in the pouring 
rain!  But my words, like blood, flow onto both wet and dry sand alike, piercing as 
always the veil of both mortality and good taste!

So let us begin the downpour of drama!

We begin at the end, of Death and its many repurcussions!  We see again that the CARE 
LESS BEARS were rebuffed in their efforts to avenge the fallen BAGPIPE BEAR, leaving 
SAUNA WEATHER in the smug satisfaction of an unavenged kill.  We see again that the 40 
fight (!) differential between AUTOCRAT BEAR and the HOMICIDAL MANIAC was too much for 
the dictatorial ursine to overcome.  A light golf clap ensued as AUTOCRAT BEAR 
collected his skills at the door and lived to tell the tale, this time...

Following the battle of vengeance, with an Isle invitation in her pocket, bold 
S(L)ASHA strode onto the sands, secure in her immortality -- which was just as well, 
as in her final battle she was unseated by BLACK CHALICE and his well-placed blunt 
force object.  I must give the dark monk his due, for his Title was earned indeed.  He 
was so thrilled at his victory, he flagellated himself three *extra* times yesterday 
evening!  Now that, my lords and ladies, is *dedication*, and was rewarded with an 
invitation to Talhaya for BLACK CHALICE!

Later this cycle, with a suitably wet plop MUD PIE sent BLACK BONE to defeat and a 
cursory check up from the neck up at the infirmary.  A little different when you're 
the one *receiving* the challenge, eh, BLACK BONE?  And yet others seemingly could not 
escape fate, as the hapless ALBINO discovered on his third consecutive loss, this time 
to CANNOLI, whose SIMPLY DESSERTS slide up the rankings with a solid 8-2 outing over 
the last three cycles!  One hopes ALBINO finds a bed, sunscreen, and a kind infirmary 
nurse as he recovers once more.

Falling down the rankings like... a sinking ship in a maelstrom... is the fighting 
stable of BLACK ARMADA, whose descent is mirrored in the continued stalwart 
performance of FLEET CAPTAIN, whose bowels promptly evacuated when presented with the 
sudden surges of doughty COOKIE DOUGH.  One hopes a suitable emetic is found for the 
normally sturdy seaman.

Like a shart of exceptional moisture, crowd favorite BENO continues to astound and 
confound -- this time at the expense of his own stable, as he met a superior foe in 
the form of BLACK MYSTIC, who divined the way to victory was, surprisingly, upwind.  
Rumor has it nose plug sales went through the roof prior to the battle's start!

And SPEAKING of smells, I bring you now the news of death.  While the lich sent *FIVE* 
warriors to their untimely end at the hands of the ARENAMASTER, DARK CHAMPION, and the 
like, others of old MORDANT died the old-fashioned way -- at the end of a pointy 
weapon aimed at them by a fellow gladiator.  But the undead managers' had a skeletal 
hand on each arena death, on either end as it were.  The odiferous LIMBERGER BEAR 
caught the feedback of A BIT OF REVERB's pointy-ness, and is now stinking up a shallow 
grave made only slightly less BEAR-able (Groan) by the constant rain this cycle. May 
his ripe, rotting carcass be washed downstream with all due haste!

We also see that perky (and nearly winless) SUZI of ALPHA ALPHA ALPHA was expelled 
from the sorority of Life by BLACK DEITY, no doubt after pulling an all-nighter.  Were 
poppers involved, or an ill-advised beer pong game with Ahringol's Avatar?  Either 
way, she'll be missing this year's Red Dress gala, ladies.  They say hell hath no fury 
like a college girl scorned, BLACK DEITY!

(Amathus coughs and sneezes loudly in the rain, and continues ...)

Some warriors die in the arena; others in the anonymity of a forgotten retirement; and 
still others meet their fate in distant tournaments, never to return to the welcoming 
bosom of this Mother Arena.  So I must report that LAY THEM DOWN of CHECK YO SELF and 
KNIGHT OF AVALON of THE BLACK EXPRESS shed their mortal coils (each other's, not their 
own, in strange twist of fate) and passed on to the next plane of existence, drug out 
of the Grand Tournament feet-first in ignominy.  As the animate said ... 'these 
moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.'  And so let these tears be washed 
away in the torrent of life's moments.

As for MORDANT's Grand Tourney Stylemasters, I will name them both now:  BOSOMY 
GOLDMINE, top Primus Total Parry!  She's got huuuge... tracts of land, I hear!  RUN's 
HOUSE, top Eligibles Bachelor!  Err, Basher!  Let us slap our wet hands together in 
earnest appreciation for these bravoes, who seem destined to unite it immortal, 
blissful battle.

And so with a sore throat and impending fever I bid leave to depart this dank place 
for the warmth of a hearth and sturdy liquor.  I'll have to switch to cooking sherry, 
I'm told, as MORDANT's still-losing slashers have for the second cycle in a row 
emptied the taverns of the good stuff in their continued misery of defeat.

                                          -- Amathus the Wet 

DUELMASTER                     W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 BLACK CHALICE 10018          18   8  0 127         BLACK MONASTARY (243)     

CHALLENGER CHAMPIONS           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 MUD PIE 10141                17  10  1 109         SIMPLY DESSERTS (720)     
 CANNOLI 10142                18   9  0 103         SIMPLY DESSERTS (720)     
 SAUNA WEATHER 10016          17  28  2  96         HOMICIDAL MANIACS (121)   
 BLACK BONE 4430              21  13  0  93         HOT RODS (297)            

CHAMPIONS                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 ALBINO 9960                  15  32  3  90         EXORCISE THIS (710)       
 HARDHEADED 10119             18   4  0  86         HOT RODS (297)            
 GERIATRIC BEAR 10150         11   3  0  85         CARE LESS BEARS (267)     
 COOKIE DOUGH 10136           14   9  0  82         SIMPLY DESSERTS (720)     
 RUNALONG 9999                15  33  0  81         HOMICIDAL MANIACS (121)   
 BLACK MYSTIC 5685            16  10  0  80         BLACK PANTHEON (299)      
 HUSSY BUG 10050              16  21  0  69         HOMICIDAL MANIACS (121)   

CHALLENGER ADEPTS              W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 LAURA 6248                    5   3  0  66         ALPHA ALPHA ALPHA (446)   
 BENO 8480                     9   3  0  64         POINT GUARDS (620)        
 PIPELAYER 10176               5   2  0  64         HOT RODS (297)            
 COLONOSCOPY BEAR 10161        7   1  0  62         CARE LESS BEARS (267)     
 DAUGHTER BEAR 10022           8  34  0  58         HOMICIDAL MANIACS (121)   
 FLEET CAPTAIN 10110           6   5  0  58         BLACK ARMADA (236)        
 SLEEPING GOD 10102           12   5  0  57         BLACK ARMADA (236)        

ADEPTS                         W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 ADMIRAL BECKETT 10108         9   2  1  56         BLACK ARMADA (236)        
 BLACK RITE 10163              8   3  1  56         BLACK MONASTARY (243)     
 HUNDINGSBANA 2938             7   5  0  45         BLACK OUTPOST (252)       
 BLACK VESPERS 10144           7   8  2  38         BLACK MONASTARY (243)     

CHALLENGER INITIATES           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 RATINTHEKITCHEN 9986          4   8  0  33         RAT PAK (155)             
 SWEAR BEAR 10184              7   0  0  32         CARE LESS BEARS (267)     
 SCALPEL 2941                  8   3  0  30         BLACK OUTPOST (252)       
 A BIT OF REVERB 10193         2   0  2  28         CHECK YO SELF (724)       
 BRITTLE 10216                 2   0  0  27         SIMPLY DESSERTS (720)     

CHALLENGER INITIATES           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 BLACK DEITY 6306              4   0  1  25         BLACK PANTHEON (299)      

INITIATES                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 AUTOCRAT BEAR 10204           2   2  0  23         CARE LESS BEARS (267)     
 IT'S COMPLICATED 10133        1  19  0  22         HOMICIDAL MANIACS (121)   
 TRIFLE 10199                  2   1  0  21         SIMPLY DESSERTS (720)     
 KATHY 10181                   4   3  2  19         ALPHA ALPHA ALPHA (446)   
 SINGING GUY LOVE 10192        1   0  0  19         CHECK YO SELF (724)       
 LILLY 10182                   3   4  1  15         ALPHA ALPHA ALPHA (446)   
 BLACK DOVE 6157               2   4  1  11         BLACK PANTHEON (299)      
 LAURA ANN 6250                0   8  0   8         ALPHA ALPHA ALPHA (446)   
 THE BLUE PILL 10211           1   1  0   4         HOT RODS (297)            

'-' denotes a warrior who did not fight this turn.

THE DEAD                W  L K TEAM NAME            SLAIN BY              TURN Revenge?
SUZI 10183              1  6 0 ALPHA ALPHA ALPH 446 BLACK DEITY 6306      1010  
DARK SEA 1 10226        0  1 0 BLACK ARMADA 236     ARENAMASTER KAKA      1010 NONE
DARK SEA 2 10227        0  1 0 BLACK ARMADA 236     UNDEAD WARRIOR        1010 NONE
DARK MONK 2 10228       0  1 0 BLACK MONASTARY 243  DARK CHAMPION         1010 NONE
DARK SENTRY 1 10224     0  1 0 BLACK OUTPOST 252    THE AMAZON            1010 NONE
DARK SENTRY 2 10225     0  1 0 BLACK OUTPOST 252    THE AMAZON            1010 NONE
BAGPIPE BEAR 10118      6  2 0 CARE LESS BEARS 267  SAUNA WEATHER 10016   1008  
LIMBURGER BEAR 10218    1  1 0 CARE LESS BEARS 267  A BIT OF REVERB 10193 1010  
ALLEY-RAT 5039          2  3 0 RAT PAK 155          A BIT OF REVERB 10193 1006 NONE
BLONDIE 10148           9  5 0 SIMPLY DESSERTS 720  ALBINO 9960           1007 JUST REVENGED

                                     PERSONAL ADS

                                  LAST WEEK'S FIGHTS

DARK MONK 2 was dealt death by DARK CHAMPION in a 2 minute Dark Arena fight.
DARK SEA 2 was butchered by UNDEAD WARRIOR in a 1 minute brutal Dark Arena duel.
DARK SEA 1 was easily killed by ARENAMASTER KAKAR in a 1 minute Dark Arena match.
DARK SENTRY 2 was slain by THE AMAZON in a 2 minute bloody Dark Arena duel.
DARK SENTRY 1 was butchered by THE AMAZON in a 2 minute gory Dark Arena fight.
AUTOCRAT BEAR was subdued by SAUNA WEATHER in a 2 minute Bloodfeud competition.
MUD PIE won victory over BLACK BONE in a exciting 2 minute master's Challenge fight.
CANNOLI devastated ALBINO in a 1 minute one-sided Challenge competition.
HARDHEADED unbelievably bested RUNALONG in a 4 minute expert's Challenge melee.
TRIFLE overpowered BLACK DOVE in a 1 minute uneven Challenge duel.
BRITTLE overpowered LAURA ANN in a 1 minute one-sided Challenge fight.
SASHA was handily defeated by BLACK CHALICE in a 1 minute one-sided Title bout.
BENO was viciously subdued by BLACK MYSTIC in a exciting 2 minute master's conflict.
COOKIE DOUGH devastated FLEET CAPTAIN in a 2 minute mismatched bout.
HUSSY BUG was handily defeated by GERIATRIC BEAR in a 1 minute uneven fight.
DAUGHTER BEAR was overpowered by PIPELAYER in a 1 minute gruesome uneven struggle.
LAURA overpowered BLACK VESPERS in a crowd pleasing 3 minute mismatched brawl.
RATINTHEKITCHEN was overpowered by COLONOSCOPY BEAR in a 1 minute one-sided bout.
BLACK RITE overpowered CAERAN SLAVE in a 1 minute one-sided bout.
HUNDINGSBANA overpowered KATHY in a 2 minute bloody mismatched conflict.
SLEEPING GOD overpowered LIEUTENANT WOREL in a exciting 1 minute uneven fight.
ADMIRAL BECKETT overpowered CAERAN SLAVE in a 1 minute uneven fray.
SCALPEL overcame IT'S COMPLICATED in a 3 minute contest.
SWEAR BEAR defeated LILLY in a 2 minute match.
SUZI was slain by BLACK DEITY in a 2 minute fight.
A BIT OF REVERB slaughtered LIMBURGER BEAR in a 1 minute one-sided match.
THE BLUE PILL was vanquished by SINGING GUY LOVE in a 1 minute one-sided fight.

                                    BATTLE REPORT

             MOST POPULAR                        RECORD DURING THE LAST 10 TURNS     
|FIGHTING STYLE               FIGHTS        FIGHTING STYLE     W -   L -  K   PERCENT|
|SLASHING ATTACK                  9         TOTAL PARRY       34 -   8 -  0      81  |
|LUNGING ATTACK                   8         STRIKING ATTACK   21 -  13 -  4      62  |
|WALL OF STEEL                    6         AIMED BLOW        10 -   8 -  0      56  |
|STRIKING ATTACK                  5         WALL OF STEEL     16 -  13 -  2      55  |
|TOTAL PARRY                      5         BASHING ATTACK    26 -  22 -  4      54  |
|AIMED BLOW                       4         LUNGING ATTACK    40 -  35 -  3      53  |
|BASHING ATTACK                   4         PARRY-LUNGE        6 -   6 -  0      50  |
|PARRY-LUNGE                      2         SLASHING ATTACK   35 -  53 -  1      40  |
|PARRY-RIPOSTE                    2         PARRY-RIPOSTE      4 -  11 -  0      27  |
|PARRY-STRIKE                     1         PARRY-STRIKE       0 -   6 -  0       0  |

Turn 1010 was great if you    Not so great if you used      The fighting styles of the
used the fighting styles:     the fighting styles:          top eleven warriors are:

PARRY-LUNGE        2 -  0     SLASHING ATTACK    2 -  7         3  LUNGING ATTACK 
STRIKING ATTACK    4 -  1     PARRY-STRIKE       0 -  1         2  BASHING ATTACK 
TOTAL PARRY        3 -  2     PARRY-RIPOSTE      0 -  2         2  SLASHING ATTACK
AIMED BLOW         2 -  2                                       2  WALL OF STEEL  
LUNGING ATTACK     4 -  4                                       1  TOTAL PARRY    
BASHING ATTACK     2 -  2                                       1  PARRY-LUNGE    
WALL OF STEEL      3 -  3     

                               TOP WARRIOR OF EACH STYLE

FIGHTING STYLE   WARRIOR                     W   L  K PNTS TEAM NAME                  
BASHING ATTACK   BLACK CHALICE 10018        18   8  0  127 BLACK MONASTARY (243)
LUNGING ATTACK   CANNOLI 10142              18   9  0  103 SIMPLY DESSERTS (720)
WALL OF STEEL    BLACK BONE 4430            21  13  0   93 HOT RODS (297)
TOTAL PARRY      HARDHEADED 10119           18   4  0   86 HOT RODS (297)
PARRY-LUNGE      COOKIE DOUGH 10136         14   9  0   82 SIMPLY DESSERTS (720)
SLASHING ATTACK  PIPELAYER 10176             5   2  0   64 HOT RODS (297)
AIMED BLOW       SLEEPING GOD 10102         12   5  0   57 BLACK ARMADA (236)
Note: Warriors have a winning record and are an Adept or Above.

The overall popularity leader is RUNALONG 9999.  The most popular warrior this turn 
was RUNALONG 9999.  The ten other most popular fighters were MUD PIE 10141, BLACK 

The least popular fighter this week was THE BLUE PILL 10211.  The other ten least 
popular fighters were LIMBURGER BEAR 10218, RATINTHEKITCHEN 9986, DAUGHTER BEAR 
10022, HUSSY BUG 10050, LAURA ANN 6250, BLACK DOVE 6157, ALBINO 9960, DARK SENTRY 1 
10224, DARK SEA 1 10226, and A BIT OF REVERB 10193.

The following warriors will travel to AD after next turn:


The following warriors have traveled to AD after fighting this turn:

SASHA (1-9985) MADNESS 2 II (712)