Date   : 05/01/2024    Duedate: 05/14/2024


DM 21    TURN 1000

This Week's Top Honors


(21-9805) [16-14-4,109]

Chartered Recognition Leader   Unchartered Recognition Leader

THE SEER                       DORQUE MAUL
DOOMSAYERS (710)               DORQUE SIDE (706)
(21-9649) [31-19-0,130]        (21-9598) [4-1-0,63]

Popularity Leader              This Week's Favorite

GRIM FANDANGO (454)            GRIM FANDANGO (454)
(21-9802) [15-17-2,100]        (21-9802) [15-17-2,100]



Team Name                  Point Gain  Chartered Team
1. BIG LAKE TERROR (654)         43 
2. LEGEND KILLERS (722)          35    NOMADIC TRIBE (160)
3. RAT PAK (388)                 30    Unchartered Team
4. CRACKED REAR VIEW (648)       24 
5. THE OOZE ZONE (169)           21    LEGEND KILLERS (722)

The Top Teams

Career Win-Loss Record           W   L  K    %  Win-Loss Record Last 3 Turns    W  L K
 1/ 1*LEGEND KILLERS (722)       8   2  0 80.0   1/ 2 BEN'S BAZAAR (577)        9  6 0
 2/ 0*DORQUE SIDE (706)          7   4  0 63.6   2/11*LEGEND KILLERS (722)      8  2 0
 3/ 2 NOMADIC TRIBE (160)      1167 949 43 55.2   3/ 5*WRATH OF PAIN (713)       8  7 1
 4/ 3 CRACKED REAR VIEW (648)  278 230 14 54.7   4/ 3 RAT PAK (388)             7  2 0
 5- 4 KENDER INVASION (676)    134 113 14 54.3   5/ 4 REPTILE RAMPAGE (135)     7  5 0
 6/ 6 RAT PAK (388)             41  36  0 53.2   6/10 BIG LAKE TERROR (654)     7  8 1
 7/ 5 GRIM FANDANGO (454)      1468 1335 66 52.4   7/ 1 PHILTHBALLS (554)         7  8 0
 8/ 8 REPTILE RAMPAGE (135)     75  72  4 51.0   8/ 6 NOMADIC TRIBE (160)       6  9 0
 9/ 7 BIG LAKE TERROR (654)    579 561 39 50.8   9/ 7 GRIM FANDANGO (454)       6  9 0
10/ 0*EMPLOYMENT (464)           4   4  0 50.0  10/ 9 DOOMSAYERS (710)          5  1 0
11/ 9 DOOMSAYERS (710)          99 100  0 49.7  11/12 SEA SHANTIES (718)        5  4 0
12/10 SEA SHANTIES (718)        35  37  3 48.6  12/ 8 THE WHOVIANS (691)        5 10 1
13/12*WRATH OF PAIN (713)       17  18  2 48.6  13/14 THE OOZE ZONE (169)       4  8 0
14/11 BEN'S BAZAAR (577)       897 990 46 47.5  14/15 CRACKED REAR VIEW (648)   1  0 0
15/13 PHILTHBALLS (554)        507 604 34 45.6  15/ 0*DORQUE SIDE (706)         1  0 0
16/14 THE OOZE ZONE (169)       96 125  7 43.4  16-13 KENDER INVASION (676)     0  3 0

Career Win-Loss Record           W   L  K    %  Win-Loss Record Last 3 Turns    W  L K
17/15 THE WHOVIANS (691)       188 272 16 40.9  17/ 0*EMPLOYMENT (464)          0  1 0

    '*'   Unchartered team                       '-'  Team did not fight this turn
   (###)  Avoid teams by their Team Id          ##/## This turn's/Last turn's rank

                                      SPY REPORT

     Busy, busy, busy, lots of things happening in SUNSET this turn, and let's start 
with a look at some of the teams.  It seems the training can make the difference, as 
PHILTHBALLS is pushed out of top team by BEN'S BAZAAR, who came from 2nd with a 3-2-0 
this turn.  Now keep the taverns open late tonight, for there are sorrows to drown 
for PHILTHBALLS, whose 1-4-0 this turn dropped them by 6 into 7th.  LEGEND KILLERS 
stable has parlayed this turn's 4-1-0 into a 9 space move up the rankings.  This 
brings them up to 2nd place.  Good work, guys!  The RAT PAK guild has had a 3-0-0 
turn and deserves to be watched in the future.  You never know where this kind of 
thing can lead.  And let's see, DR. AWKWARD fought HOLDEN MCBAGGS and gained 24 
points and contributed to CRACKED REAR VIEW's 1-0-0.  PHOEBE has lost to LITTLE 
FLOAB, falling 14 points, while helping make WRATH OF PAIN a 3-2-0 turn.  And all 
eyes were on WAYBACK WENN this turn as he ascended to the throne of Duelmaster.  
SUNSET has a new victor!  By the way, was that our Duelmaster that I saw last night, 
cramped under the table at Cagliostro's Castle?   
     I tell you, a green quarterstaff lasts longer than a seasoned sapling.  A basher 
friend of mine assures me this is true.  I also notice that the BIG LAKE TERROR 
stable was the most avoided team this turn.  Come on SUNSET, what are you afraid of?  
And guess who avoided BIG LAKE TERROR stable the most?  Believe it or not, it was 
BEN'S BAZAAR.  Anyone surprised?  Well, sports fans, take notice that SLYTHER from 
REPTILE RAMPAGE was SUNSET's most challenged warrior this turn.  Building dreams on 
hope, ARYAGATOR challenged up 31 points this turn to take on KENDO KOMODO from 
REPTILE RAMPAGE stable.  But when the dust settled, ARYAGATOR had lost to KENDO 
KOMODO, and PHILTHBALLS left ARYAGATOR doing chores when they went to the tavern.  
Better luck next time.  MAXIMUM EL VATO from BEN'S BAZAAR took a risk this turn by 
bravely challenging up 26 points in a challenge against SLYTHER.  And whaddya know, 
MAXIMUM EL VATO beat SLYTHER, and the fighters of BEN'S BAZAAR were last seen lifting 
frothy pints of ale in honor of MAXIMUM EL VATO's 25 point gain.  In a fit of 
brilliance or of stupidity (hard to say sometimes), SAMMY SLICK challenged VAMPEROR 
today, facing a 28 difference in recognition.  And though SAMMY SLICK lost to 
VAMPEROR, the valiant attempt earned him 2 worth of recognition.  Foolhardiness can 
sometimes pay.  MANNIN BLAK of GRIM FANDANGO had better have a good reason for 
challenging down 13 points in a challenge which he lost.  I thought MANNIN BLAK 
showed great skill and promise when he lost to MANIC MARVIN.  All right, so I slept 
through it!  Big deal!   
     A coward dies a thousand deaths, a brave man only once.  Wise men know this to 
be true.  The manager of SEA SHANTIES will not be pleased to learn that OLD MAUI, a 
5-2-1 fighter, has been killed at the hands of BIG LAKE TERROR's DARK LAUGH.  A brave 
warrior does not carry a red shield, he has nothing to cover or hide when the fight 
is over.  Consider well.   
     I like this place, SUNSET, the taverns have old wine, and young serving girls.  
Who could ask for more?  Always good to rest in SUNSET, but never good to wear out my 
welcome.  Look for me in future turns.  Until you see my quill in SUNSET again, 
farewell-- Alarond the Scribe  

DUELMASTER                     W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 WAYBACK WENN 9805            16  14  4 109         GRIM FANDANGO (454)       

CHALLENGER CHAMPIONS           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 THE SEER 9649                31  19  0 130         DOOMSAYERS (710)          
 EMPRESS 9650                 28  22  0 119         DOOMSAYERS (710)          
 KENDO KOMODO 7111             8   5  1 103         REPTILE RAMPAGE (135)     
 BIX BALLY HOOED 9802         15  17  2 100         GRIM FANDANGO (454)       
 SLAYING MANTIS 9697          21  16  1  96         NOMADIC TRIBE (160)       

CHAMPIONS                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 SAM-AWRY 9843                13  10  0  92         GRIM FANDANGO (454)       

CHAMPIONS                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
-KNOF MOONWILLOW 9795          8   6  2  89         KENDER INVASION (676)     
 MAXIMUM EL VATO 9873          8   5  0  85         BEN'S BAZAAR (577)        
 SHOGUN-RAT 4365              12   8  0  83         RAT PAK (388)             
 RONIN-RAT 4236               14   9  0  76         RAT PAK (388)             
 ARYAGATOR 9806               14  13  0  67         PHILTHBALLS (554)         
 FLYING DUTCHMAN 9838          9   6  0  67         SEA SHANTIES (718)        

CHALLENGER ADEPTS              W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 DARK LAUGH 9864              13   5  2  66         BIG LAKE TERROR (654)     
 DARK RUMOR 9866               9   8  0  66         BIG LAKE TERROR (654)     
 SLYTHER 9832                 10   9  0  64         REPTILE RAMPAGE (135)     
 RANDOR 9871                   8   4  3  64         PHILTHBALLS (554)         
 DORQUE MAUL 9598              4   1  0  63         DORQUE SIDE (706)         
 JAGARFESS 9829               11  12  0  60         THE WHOVIANS (691)        

ADEPTS                         W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 THE WELLERMAN 9835            9   6  1  56         SEA SHANTIES (718)        
 MANIC MARVIN 9847            10   8  0  55         PHILTHBALLS (554)         
 LITTLE FANG 7035              9   8  0  54         GRIM FANDANGO (454)       
 BANZAI-RAT 4237               7   7  0  54         RAT PAK (388)             
 DR. AWKWARD 9729              2   0  0  53         CRACKED REAR VIEW (648)   
 NELSON 9836                   7   8  1  49         SEA SHANTIES (718)        
-AMARI STUBBLETOE 9678         9   7  0  45         KENDER INVASION (676)     
 FORKED TONGUE 9833            9  13  1  44         REPTILE RAMPAGE (135)     
 SMOTHER TERESA 9901           4   6  0  44         BEN'S BAZAAR (577)        
 HOLDEN MCBAGGS 9853          13   4  0  43         PHILTHBALLS (554)         
 DARK OPTION 9903              6   5  0  40         BIG LAKE TERROR (654)     
 CARLY-HORSE 9831              9  12  0  39         PHILTHBALLS (554)         
 MANNIN BLAK 9902              7   4  0  35         GRIM FANDANGO (454)       
 VAMPEROR 9881                 6   7  0  35         BEN'S BAZAAR (577)        
 TAIPAN 9862                   6   3  0  34         REPTILE RAMPAGE (135)     
 SHARA 9756                    5   2  1  34         WRATH OF PAIN (713)       

CHALLENGER INITIATES           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 LITTLE FLOAB 9924             2   0  0  29         LEGEND KILLERS (722)      
 NARDOLE 9905                  6   3  0  25         THE WHOVIANS (691)        
 LASZLO 9919                   4   2  0  24         THE WHOVIANS (691)        

INITIATES                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 BAMBOOZLER 9941               2   1  0  21         BEN'S BAZAAR (577)        
 CRIT 9759                     4   3  1  20         WRATH OF PAIN (713)       
 DARK NOTICE 9913              3   5  0  20         BIG LAKE TERROR (654)     
 PHLEM 9938                    2   0  0  18         THE OOZE ZONE (169)       
 UNCHAINABLE 9929              4   1  0  16         BEN'S BAZAAR (577)        
-RAFI QUICKBUZZ 9812           2   3  1  16         KENDER INVASION (676)     
 PHOEBE 9930                   4   1  0  15         WRATH OF PAIN (713)       
 BARV 9922                     2   0  0  15         LEGEND KILLERS (722)      
 PINK SLIME 9933               2   2  0  15         THE OOZE ZONE (169)       
 OSIRIAN 9947                  1   1  1  14         THE WHOVIANS (691)        
 LORD IRONWOOD 9904            2   6  0  12         NOMADIC TRIBE (160)       
 SILENT 9942                   2   1  0  12         WRATH OF PAIN (713)       
 RHUKK 9925                    2   0  0  12         LEGEND KILLERS (722)      
 86-DOTH 9926                  1   1  0  11         LEGEND KILLERS (722)      
 SPECKLED GECKO 9914           1   0  0   9         REPTILE RAMPAGE (135)     
 BOX INSPECTOR 6384            0   1  0   9         EMPLOYMENT (464)          
 BEAST WHISPERER 9946          1   1  0   8         NOMADIC TRIBE (160)       
 SAMMY SLICK 9934              1   3  0   7         THE OOZE ZONE (169)       
 NYSSA 9937                    1   3  0   6         THE WHOVIANS (691)        
 LERG 9923                     1   1  0   4         LEGEND KILLERS (722)      
 DARK TOUCHES 9945             0   2  0   2         BIG LAKE TERROR (654)     

INITIATES                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 LAYCE 9948                    0   2  0   2         WRATH OF PAIN (713)       
 POND SCUM 9939                0   2  0   2         THE OOZE ZONE (169)       
 MARGE ARIN 9940               0   2  0   2         THE OOZE ZONE (169)       
 STERLING SAVANT 9951          0   1  0   1         NOMADIC TRIBE (160)       

'-' denotes a warrior who did not fight this turn.

THE DEAD                W  L K TEAM NAME            SLAIN BY              TURN Revenge?
CONVICTED THIEF         0  0 0                      OSIRIAN 9947          1000 NONE
THE LOWLANDER 9928      1  1 0 BEN'S BAZAAR 577     RAFI QUICKBUZZ 9812    997 REVENGED
HARASS SARAH 9653      17 17 2 CRACKED REAR VIE 648 KNOF MOONWILLOW 9795   997  
TWIG BRAMBLETHOR 9944   0  1 0 NOMADIC TRIBE 160    SHARA 9756             998  
OLD MAUI 9875           5  3 1 SEA SHANTIES 718     DARK LAUGH 9864       1000  
CYBERMAN 9911           2  2 1 THE WHOVIANS 691     RANDOR 9871            996 REVENGED

                                     PERSONAL ADS

LP Dark Attempt -- Being an Immortal loser just means that you are a loser for all 
eternity, congrats! -- Ben's Bazaar

LP Pyro B. -- Congrats on the grad notice!  Now if you could just put in a good word 
for the Duelmaster, that'd help.  And tell him to write a column while you're at it! 
-- Grim Fandango

A sea of scum at the top, and nary an aimer to be found.  Guess we have to to 
everything ourselves...or at least try. -- Grim Fandango

LP Juniper Windseed -- Congrats on the tourney results and the grad notice! -- G.F.

Dork Attempt -- That was quite possibly the worst attempt in arena history at an 
outgoing insult.  I actually snorted out loud!  Did phil write it for you?  As you rot 
in retirement and eternal, everlasting boredom, just remember I whipped your ass and 
avenged our stablemate.  Good riddance, weasel. -- Wayback Wenn, set to graduate with 
way more kills than you or any of your dork buddies

Legend Killers -- Welcome to Sunset, Arena of Death, and Jewel of the Delarquan 
Federation.  Stay a while and spill copious amounts of blood and ale! -- Stik and Grim 

                                  LAST WEEK'S FIGHTS

LORD IRONWOOD was devastated by SHARA in a 1 minute mismatched Bloodfeud fight.
BIX BALLY HOOED was unbelievably bested by THE SEER in a 7 minute Challenge battle.
SAM-AWRY was outlasted by EMPRESS in a 7 minute bloody master's Challenge duel.
ARYAGATOR was overpowered by KENDO KOMODO in a 2 minute one-sided Challenge fight.
MAXIMUM EL VATO devastated SLYTHER in a 1 minute one-sided Challenge duel.
NELSON savagely defeated CARLY-HORSE in a crowd pleasing 6 minute Challenge brawl.
SMOTHER TERESA was handily defeated by FLYING DUTCHMAN in a 1 minute Challenge melee.
MANNIN BLAK was vanquished by MANIC MARVIN in a 1 minute uneven Challenge fight.
UNCHAINABLE was overpowered by DARK OPTION in a 1 minute one-sided Challenge fight.
DARK NOTICE was beaten by TAIPAN in a 2 minute Challenge fight.
PINK SLIME subdued NYSSA in a 2 minute bloody amateur's Challenge match.
SAMMY SLICK was viciously subdued by VAMPEROR in a 3 minute Challenge battle.
SLAYING MANTIS was overcome by WAYBACK WENN in a 1 minute expert's Title fight.
PYRO BATTLESWORN defeated VETERAN MERCENARY in a 3 minute uneven struggle.
JAGARFESS was handily defeated by SHOGUN-RAT in a 1 minute mismatched bout.
RONIN-RAT bested RANDOR in a popular 1 minute brawl.
THE WELLERMAN was beaten by DARK RUMOR in a exciting 3 minute brutal match.
FORKED TONGUE was beaten by BANZAI-RAT in a 2 minute fight.
OLD MAUI was easily killed by DARK LAUGH in a 1 minute mismatched competition.
DORQUE MAUL overpowered LASZLO in a 1 minute uneven fight.
LITTLE FANG demolished NARDOLE in a 1 minute uneven bout.
HOLDEN MCBAGGS was viciously subdued by DR. AWKWARD in a 11 minute bloody fray.
PHOEBE was savagely defeated by LITTLE FLOAB in a slow 8 minute gory match.
CRIT vanquished MARGE ARIN in a 1 minute one-sided match.
BARV vanquished STERLING SAVANT in a exciting 1 minute one-sided fight.
LERG slimly lost to SILENT in a 2 minute gruesome beginner's bout.
OSIRIAN executed CONVICTED THIEF in a 1 minute one-sided fray.
RHUKK overcame DARK TOUCHES in a 1 minute novice's duel.
86-DOTH overpowered LAYCE in a 2 minute uneven fight.
PHLEM handily defeated BOX INSPECTOR in a 1 minute one-sided fight.
POND SCUM was subdued by SPECKLED GECKO in a 2 minute novice's fight.
BAMBOOZLER beat BEAST WHISPERER in a 1 minute novice's bout.

                                    BATTLE REPORT

             MOST POPULAR                        RECORD DURING THE LAST 10 TURNS     
|FIGHTING STYLE               FIGHTS        FIGHTING STYLE     W -   L -  K   PERCENT|
|LUNGING ATTACK                  15         WALL OF STEEL     29 -  16 -  0      64  |
|STRIKING ATTACK                  9         STRIKING ATTACK   33 -  22 -  5      60  |
|TOTAL PARRY                      9         TOTAL PARRY       44 -  32 -  0      58  |
|SLASHING ATTACK                  9         LUNGING ATTACK    63 -  51 -  5      55  |
|AIMED BLOW                       6         AIMED BLOW        21 -  23 -  0      48  |
|WALL OF STEEL                    5         SLASHING ATTACK   25 -  39 -  0      39  |
|PARRY-LUNGE                      4         PARRY-LUNGE       14 -  28 -  0      33  |
|BASHING ATTACK                   4         BASHING ATTACK    10 -  23 -  1      30  |
|PARRY-RIPOSTE                    1         PARRY-RIPOSTE      3 -   7 -  0      30  |
|PARRY-STRIKE                     0         PARRY-STRIKE       0 -   1 -  0       0  |

Turn 1000 was great if you    Not so great if you used      The fighting styles of the
used the fighting styles:     the fighting styles:          top eleven warriors are:

PARRY-LUNGE        3 -  1     TOTAL PARRY        4 -  5         3  LUNGING ATTACK 
AIMED BLOW         4 -  2     SLASHING ATTACK    3 -  6         2  TOTAL PARRY    
LUNGING ATTACK     9 -  6     BASHING ATTACK     1 -  3         2  STRIKING ATTACK
WALL OF STEEL      3 -  2     PARRY-STRIKE       0 -  0         2  SLASHING ATTACK
STRIKING ATTACK    5 -  4     PARRY-RIPOSTE      0 -  1         1  BASHING ATTACK 
                                                                1  WALL OF STEEL  

                               TOP WARRIOR OF EACH STYLE

FIGHTING STYLE   WARRIOR                     W   L  K PNTS TEAM NAME                  
LUNGING ATTACK   WAYBACK WENN 9805          16  14  4  109 GRIM FANDANGO (454)
TOTAL PARRY      THE SEER 9649              31  19  0  130 DOOMSAYERS (710)
STRIKING ATTACK  KENDO KOMODO 7111           8   5  1  103 REPTILE RAMPAGE (135)
SLASHING ATTACK  SAM-AWRY 9843              13  10  0   92 GRIM FANDANGO (454)
WALL OF STEEL    RONIN-RAT 4236             14   9  0   76 RAT PAK (388)
AIMED BLOW       FLYING DUTCHMAN 9838        9   6  0   67 SEA SHANTIES (718)
PARRY-LUNGE      LITTLE FANG 7035            9   8  0   54 GRIM FANDANGO (454)
Note: Warriors have a winning record and are an Adept or Above.

The overall popularity leader is BIX BALLY HOOED 9802.  The most popular warrior this 
turn was BIX BALLY HOOED 9802.  The ten other most popular fighters were NELSON 9836, 
AWKWARD 9729, SILENT 9942, THE SEER 9649, and MAXIMUM EL VATO 9873.

The least popular fighter this week was PHOEBE 9930.  The other ten least popular 
9924, NARDOLE 9905, LASZLO 9919, OLD MAUI 9875, JAGARFESS 9829, UNCHAINABLE 9929, and 

The following warriors will travel to AD after next turn:

THE SEER (21-9649) DOOMSAYERS (710)
EMPRESS (21-9650) DOOMSAYERS (710)

The following warriors have traveled to AD after fighting this turn: