Date   : 05/03/2024    Duedate: 05/16/2024


DM 93    TURN 660

This Week's Top Honors


DM - FOLK (1916)
(93-11217) [4-3-0,66]

Chartered Recognition Leader   Unchartered Recognition Leader

                               DM - FOLK (1916)
                               (93-11217) [4-3-0,66]

Popularity Leader              This Week's Favorite

BB FACE TO FACE (1915)         DM - FOLK (1916)
(93-11210) [3-4-0,22]          (93-11218) [5-2-0,29]


DM - FOLK (1916)

Team Name                  Point Gain  Chartered Team
1. DM - FOLK (1916)              39 
2. RED LEGION (1919)             29    THE NEST (286)
3. VAMPIRE POSSUMS (1922)        10    Unchartered Team
4. IMPERIAL CABAL (1920)         6  
5. BB FACE TO FACE (1915)        6     DM - FOLK (1916)

The Top Teams

Career Win-Loss Record           W   L  K    %  Win-Loss Record Last 3 Turns    W  L K
 1/ 1*DM - FOLK (1916)          25  10  0 71.4   1/ 1*DM - FOLK (1916)         10  5 0
 2/ 3*IMPERIAL CABAL (1920)     15  15  0 50.0   2/ 3*IMPERIAL CABAL (1920)     8  7 0
 3/ 4*BB FACE TO FACE (1915)    16  19  0 45.7   3/ 2*BB FACE TO FACE (1915)    7  8 0
 4/ 5*OXY MORONS (1917)          7  12  1 36.8   4/ 4*OXY MORONS (1917)         6  7 0
 5/ 7*RED LEGION (1919)         11  19  0 36.7   5/ 5*RED LEGION (1919)         6  9 0
 6- 6*DIVIDED NATIONS (1912)     3   6  0 33.3   6/ 0*VAMPIRE POSSUMS (1922)    1  3 0
 7/ 0*VAMPIRE POSSUMS (1922)     1   3  0 25.0   7- 7*DIVIDED NATIONS (1912)    0  1 0

    '*'   Unchartered team                       '-'  Team did not fight this turn
   (###)  Avoid teams by their Team Id          ##/## This turn's/Last turn's rank

                                      SPY REPORT

     Hail and well met warriors of NOBLISH ISLAND!  Know me for who I am, Zontani 
Sharp Eyes, Spymaster extraordinaire of all Alastari.  BAD MATCH UPS caught the eye 
of many in the gladiatorial commission as he skillfully bested SLEEPY JOE and was 
awarded 15 points in recognition.  In one of the week's more notable duels, ZIPPY THE 
SLUG put down TAZAROC, causing him to lose 12 points of recognition in the process.  
Not for nothing has DOC STEELE in the past laid claim to the Duelmaster's throne, and 
this week he's proven his combat skill yet again.  Informants "close" to the city 
champion have told me that he never fights without pantyhose on beneath his armor.  
Watch out!   
     But come now, let us look deeper into the maze of contention and crossed blades 
that is city NOBLISH ISLAND.  I saw one fighter that warriors avoided when this 
week's challenge seeking began.  BB FACE TO FACE is feared.  This much I can say.  If 
you didn't look down dark alleys you'd have been hard pressed to find any of DM - 
FOLK last week.  Busy avoiding BB FACE TO FACE?  Loose talk at the arena has reached 
my ears and it but confirms the knowledge that many fighters are after TOMBSTONE 
FEATURE.  Watch your back!   
     Is not Death a warrior's foremost adviser?   Warriors, may this counselor stand 
ready at your right hand forever!  Some say a warrior is judged by the way he bears 
arms.  One thing is sure, better a dagger in hand then a sword on the belt!   
     If it were not for my skills as a spy I would have been mugged three times 
already in NOBLISH ISLAND.  Nice atmosphere you have here!  Sadly warriors, now 
longer can I keep thy company nor savor the ale of thy fine city.  Depart I must and 
soon!  Till we meet again, remember:  a turtle walks slow, hides head in a shell, and 
harms no one; a lion runs to slay its prey.-- Zontani Sharp Eyes  

DUELMASTER                     W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 DOC STEELE 11217              4   3  0  66         DM - FOLK (1916)          

CHALLENGER ADEPTS              W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 MANNEQUIN 11215               6   1  0  58         DM - FOLK (1916)          

ADEPTS                         W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 BUBBA 11214                   7   0  0  35         DM - FOLK (1916)          
 ONE-ARM BANDIT 11216          3   4  0  34         DM - FOLK (1916)          

CHALLENGER INITIATES           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 OZLETC 11237                  5   1  0  31         IMPERIAL CABAL (1920)     
 VLAD 11218                    5   2  0  29         DM - FOLK (1916)          
 BAD MATCH UPS 11211           4   3  0  27         BB FACE TO FACE (1915)    
 NIRUUL 11235                  4   2  0  27         IMPERIAL CABAL (1920)     

INITIATES                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 ZIPPY THE SLUG 11247          2   1  0  23         OXY MORONS (1917)         
 BROKE NEWSLETTERS 11210       3   4  0  22         BB FACE TO FACE (1915)    
 SANDY CALL OUT 11212          3   4  0  22         BB FACE TO FACE (1915)    
 CHONK II 11270                2   0  0  21         RED LEGION (1919)         
 WEE JERRY 11232               2   4  0  20         RED LEGION (1919)         
 TEICHOS 11271                 2   0  0  19         RED LEGION (1919)         
 HUNG OVER 11213               3   4  0  17         BB FACE TO FACE (1915)    
 TOMBSTONE FEATURE 11209       3   4  0  16         BB FACE TO FACE (1915)    
 CUTTER 11230                  2   4  0  15         RED LEGION (1919)         
 TAZAROC 11236                 3   3  0  13         IMPERIAL CABAL (1920)     
 ARACHNOL 11229                3   3  0  12         RED LEGION (1919)         
 SLEEPY JOE 11220              2   3  1  10         OXY MORONS (1917)         
 MILITANT PACIFIST 11245       1   1  0  10         OXY MORONS (1917)         
-ENRIQUE SUAVE 11196           2   1  0   8         DIVIDED NATIONS (1912)    
 BRACUS ZAHN 11234             1   5  0   8         IMPERIAL CABAL (1920)     
 UNCLE LEO 11254               1   0  0   7         VAMPIRE POSSUMS (1922)    
 VALUS MAU'UAL 11272           1   0  0   7         IMPERIAL CABAL (1920)     
 MINOR CATASTROPHE 11246       1   2  0   5         OXY MORONS (1917)         
 SAINT SIMEON 11251            0   1  0   1         VAMPIRE POSSUMS (1922)    
 ALYSSA THE FOX 11253          0   1  0   1         VAMPIRE POSSUMS (1922)    
 CLOTILDA 11250                0   1  0   1         VAMPIRE POSSUMS (1922)    

'-' denotes a warrior who did not fight this turn.

THE DEAD                W  L K TEAM NAME            SLAIN BY              TURN Revenge?
WURM FOOD 11248         1  1 0 OXY MORONS 1917      BANDIT PRINCE          660 NONE

                                     PERSONAL ADS

This is getting embarrassing! -- Doc Steele

Assur, that WAS embarrassing! -- Vlad

Everyone Else, have a nice day. -- DM-Folk

Bracus Zahn -- I hope we clash steel this week. I am looking to gut you like a harvest 
hog! If I don't, Alcibiades has promised I am off to the Dark Arena!  -- Cutter

Valus Thunn -- Um, are you sure your turn said Dark Arena? I think you took a left 
when you were supposed to go right! Eh, data entry errors happen, my good lad! -- 
Alcibiades (manager, Red Legion)

Sandy Call Out -- Well played! You came, you saw, you conquered! -- Wee Jerry

Militant Pacifist -- Pacifist? Whatever! You came out swinging! I would hate to see 
you when you are angry! -- Arachnol

Zippy the Slug -- To be beaten by an invertebrate. Oh, the humiliation! -- Cutter

Brachus Zahn -- I avenge my cuzzin' Chonk. Now you know hurt! -- Chonk II

Bubba -- Why you low down, dirty scum! What a beautiful sight! You have inspired my 
team to go scum or go home! -- Niruul

                                  LAST WEEK'S FIGHTS

WURM FOOD was butchered by BANDIT PRINCE in a 1 minute Dark Arena fight.
VLAD viciously subdued TOMBSTONE FEATURE in a exciting 4 minute Challenge duel.
CUTTER savagely defeated BRACUS ZAHN in a action packed 3 minute Challenge fight.
ZIPPY THE SLUG bested TAZAROC in a 2 minute Challenge fight.
DOC STEELE savagely defeated CONVICTED ASSASSIN in a 1 minute Title match.
MANNEQUIN won victory over DANGEROUS CRIMINAL in a crowd pleasing 1 minute fight.
ONE-ARM BANDIT devastated ARACHNOL in a 1 minute one-sided competition.
SANDY CALL OUT was overcome by OZLETC in a action packed 1 minute melee.
BUBBA unbelievably bested WEE JERRY in a popular 3 minute gruesome duel.
HUNG OVER was unbelievably bested by NIRUUL in a popular 1 minute fight.
BAD MATCH UPS overpowered SLEEPY JOE in a popular 1 minute brutal one-sided melee.
BROKE NEWSLETTERS demolished MINOR CATASTROPHE in a 1 minute mismatched competition.
MILITANT PACIFIST was bested by TEICHOS in a 3 minute novice's battle.
CHONK II devastated ALYSSA THE FOX in a 1 minute bloody mismatched bout.
UNCLE LEO defeated CONVICTED THIEF in a unpopular 6 minute novice's duel.
SAINT SIMEON was vanquished by MORDANT DESERTER in a 1 minute one-sided fray.
CLOTILDA was devastated by VALUS MAU'UAL in a tiring 13 minute mismatched brawl.

                                    BATTLE REPORT

             MOST POPULAR                        RECORD DURING THE LAST 10 TURNS     
|FIGHTING STYLE               FIGHTS        FIGHTING STYLE     W -   L -  K   PERCENT|
|TOTAL PARRY                      5         TOTAL PARRY       19 -   8 -  0      70  |
|BASHING ATTACK                   5         AIMED BLOW        16 -  11 -  1      59  |
|STRIKING ATTACK                  4         STRIKING ATTACK   22 -  18 -  0      55  |
|LUNGING ATTACK                   4         PARRY-STRIKE       7 -   6 -  1      54  |
|PARRY-RIPOSTE                    3         BASHING ATTACK    21 -  22 -  1      49  |
|WALL OF STEEL                    2         SLASHING ATTACK    7 -   8 -  0      47  |
|AIMED BLOW                       2         LUNGING ATTACK    21 -  25 -  0      46  |
|PARRY-STRIKE                     2         WALL OF STEEL     10 -  15 -  0      40  |
|SLASHING ATTACK                  1         PARRY-RIPOSTE      9 -  16 -  1      36  |
|PARRY-LUNGE                      1         PARRY-LUNGE        2 -   5 -  0      29  |

Turn 660 was great if you     Not so great if you used      The fighting styles of the
used the fighting styles:     the fighting styles:          top eleven warriors are:

SLASHING ATTACK    1 -  0     BASHING ATTACK     2 -  3         3  STRIKING ATTACK
STRIKING ATTACK    4 -  0     LUNGING ATTACK     1 -  3         2  SLASHING ATTACK
WALL OF STEEL      2 -  0     PARRY-LUNGE        0 -  1         2  BASHING ATTACK 
TOTAL PARRY        4 -  1     PARRY-STRIKE       0 -  2         2  LUNGING ATTACK 
AIMED BLOW         1 -  1     PARRY-RIPOSTE      0 -  3         1  AIMED BLOW     
                                                                1  PARRY-LUNGE    

                               TOP WARRIOR OF EACH STYLE

FIGHTING STYLE   WARRIOR                     W   L  K PNTS TEAM NAME                  
STRIKING ATTACK  DOC STEELE 11217            4   3  0   66 DM - FOLK (1916)
BASHING ATTACK   MANNEQUIN 11215             6   1  0   58 DM - FOLK (1916)
TOTAL PARRY      BUBBA 11214                 7   0  0   35 DM - FOLK (1916)
Note: Warriors have a winning record and are an Adept or Above.

The overall popularity leader is BROKE NEWSLETTERS 11210.  The most popular warrior 
this turn was VLAD 11218.  The ten other most popular fighters were CUTTER 11230, DOC 
STEELE 11217, WEE JERRY 11232, TAZAROC 11236, BAD MATCH UPS 11211, MANNEQUIN 11215, 

The least popular fighter this week was CLOTILDA 11250.  The other ten least popular 
fighters were VALUS MAU'UAL 11272, UNCLE LEO 11254, ALYSSA THE FOX 11253, TEICHOS 
11209, SAINT SIMEON 11251, and BUBBA 11214.

                  MAIL-IN TOURNEY LXXIX

APPRENTICES TOURNEY                    W  L  K         TEAM NAME            
NIRUUL 11235 (3-1-0)                   3  3  0         IMPERIAL CABAL       
WEE JERRY 11232 (2-2-0)                2  3  0         RED LEGION           

ROOKIES FOOLS TOURNEY                  W  L  K         TEAM NAME            
MILITANT PACIFIST 11245 (0-0-0)        0  3  0         OXY MORONS