
With this order you indicate up to four hexagons for a unit to pass through. These hexagons can be close together, as far apart as the map allows, or anywhere in between. The hexagons are visited in the order they are written down. The unit moves via the quickest path (lowest MP cost). Travel continues over as many turns as it takes to reach all the hexagons indicated. This order is canceled if the unit retreats from battle, dies in combat, or is given new movement orders.

Example: U2001 ADVANCE 65:27 40:20 06:30
(Unit U2001 advance to the indicated hexagons in the order given)

You can also give this order to a community. The community won't advance, but every unit built henceforth at that community will be issued the advance order. Once issued, a community movement order will remain, turn after turn, until changed or canceled. To cancel this order, order the community to advance to the hexagon it resides in.

Example: C100 ADVANCE 40:24 46:36 49:39 45:15
(All units built at Waterdeep [C100] after this order is issued will advance to the indicated hexagons)

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