
This order can be used to tell all existing units or up to four specific units, to retreat from any non-allied units they meet. This order can also be used to set the mission to explore for those units built after this order is issue. Exploring units retreat (rather than attack) when they encounter non-allied units in a hexagon.

This order is very useful if you don't want to alienate every new realm you meet! It is also useful for scouting out the location and strength of potential combat targets before you commit yourself to battle. The Conflict order is the opposite of Explore; either order overrides the other. At the start of the game, all units in the player realms are set to explore rather than conflict.

It is important to note that when a group of units enters a hexagon with non- allied units, only the leading unit is checked to determine whether the group attacks or retreats. In other words, if two units set to conflict are following a unit set to explore, the whole group acts as if set to explore.

(All of your existing units will retreat from meetings with non-allied units)

Example: EXPLORE U2001 U2002
(These two units will retreat from encounters)

(From now on, all newly built units will be set to Explore)

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