
This order enables you to choose the exact path you wish your unit to take. You do this by indicating the direction in which you wish the unit to move from each new hexagon it enters. The unit can be given up to a total of 16 directions in which to move. The directions are as follows:

Hexagon Example

Movement continues over as many turns as it takes to reach all the hexagons you specify. If direction 0 is the last direction in the move, the unit will repeat the previous direction until the order is canceled. If direction 9 is the last direction in the move, the unit will repeat all the directions in the move order until the order is canceled. Directions 7 and 8 enable you to delay a unit's move, either to enable another of your units to catch up, to let a hostile unit move into a trap, or for some other devious reason. This order is canceled if the unit retreats from battle, dies in combat, or is given new movement orders.

Example: U2001 MOVE 6464 5154 6451 6220
(Move Unit U2001 in the given directions, then continue east)

Hexagon Example

Example: U2003 MOVE 1239
(Move Unit U2003 in the given directions, then repeat)

Hexagon Example

Example: U2002 MOVE 1234 569
(Move Unit U2002 in a circle, then repeat)

Hexagon Example

You can also give this order to a community. The community won't move, but every unit built henceforth at that community will be issued the move order. Once issued, a community movement order will remain, turn after turn, until changed or canceled.

Example: C101 MOVE 1345 6139
(All units built at Baldur's Gate [C101] after this order is issued will move in the indicated directions, then repeat)

Hexagon Example

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