
With this order, you can research a unit, a type of unit, an item, a type of item, an avatar or a type of avatar. You can research up to four of these with one order. You do not have to research a unit or item to be able to build it. The units and items your communities can build are listed in the Production Report section of your Turn Results.

Researching a specific unit or a unit type gives you a report on its race, combat abilities, MPs, community size requirement, and gold cost. Even though you may research a specific unit with this order, the information gained applies to all units of that type. When researching a unit, it must be alive for this order to be successful. This order costs your treasury 5 gold per unit or unit type researched.

Example: RESEARCH U2005 UT41
(Research unit U2005 [the 1st Elven Elite Archers] and unit type UT41 [Elven Knights])

Researching a specific item or an item type tells you its combat bonuses, MP bonuses, community size requirement, and gold cost. It also reports on which races can craft that type of item, if it can be crafted. This order costs your treasury 5 gold per item or item type researched.

Example: RESEARCH I1005 IT9
(Research item I1005 [Enchanted Platemail] and item type IT9 [Weapons of Quality])

Researching a specific avatar or an avatar type gives you a report on its combat abilities, MPs, and description. This order costs your treasury 20 gold per avatar or avatar type researched.

Example: RESEARCH A27 AT37
(Research avatar A27 [Moradin] and avatar type AT37 [Tempus])

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